Chapter 15 - CCTV Cameras

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"What is the meaning of this?" He asked as he threw his phone into my hands.

"What?" I muttered before he harshly clicked the play button on his device.

It was mere seconds into the video when I immediately recognized the scenery. It made me instantly freeze up. It was footage of me and Emily destroying his brother's car.

"I am so sorry Sir, we were having some harmless fun."

"Destroying a car worth hundreds of thousand is harmless fun?" He hissed.

I sighed, "He broke her heart and we wanted to get some harmless revenge on him to make her feel better. Everything comes off really easy." I said trying to explain myself.

"What is going on here?" Emily said yawning as she walked to the door before she stopped in her tracks.

"Will?" She gasped.

"No. If this doesn't come off, it's coming out of your paycheck." He said before he walked out of the door. I slammed it shut behind him and leaned against the door.

"Is he talking about the car?"

I nodded, "I think we went too far."

"Was that William?"

"Is that all you care about?" I hissed before I started walking to the couch, the last place I had seen my phone. I wanted to call Adrian, my best friend.

He answered on the third ring.


"I have a huge problem. Come at once." I said before ending the call.

"Everything will come off with a little bit of water, Perla. Stop going crazy."

"That car costs so much money! My life will roll to an end before I could pay it back."

"That is only if it doesn't come off, which it will. I am sure."

I groaned and threw a pillow on my face.

"I am employed as a personal assistant to him, not a graphic designer. My salary is not as high as it used to be." I groaned.

"Ask for a raise then," Kelsey said walking into the room, dressed in a fluffy robe. Her wet hair was dripping all over the floor.

"It is not that easy." I groaned.

Kelsey shot me a weird look before she went back in the direction of her room.

"What is going on with her?" Emily asked.

I shrugged, "Who knows? She changes moods almost as much as she changes her clothes."

"I don't think Kelsey is that evil. I think your mom got to her head."

"I know that. Mom is obsessed with fame and fortune."

"So I genuinely think you should fix your relationship with her. After all she is your sister. Your blood." She reminded and I sighed.

"I want to fix it, but she has to also want the same thing. Otherwise, we will get nowhere."

The door rang again and I checked my watch and assumed that it was Adrian who finally made it to my house. I opened the door for him and let him in.

"Who is that?" Adrian asked as he looked at Kelsey walking out of her room dressed to the nines.

"My sister." 

"She is good-looking. Damn."

"Okay. Focus! We have a problem."

I explained the whole revenge story to Adrian who listened intently. He kept nodding here and there when he finally looked at me with a sigh.

"Why did you think this was a good idea?" He said.

"Emily was sad so I wanted revenge."

"And didn't you consider the possibility of CCTV cameras?"

"No... I wasn't thinking that far."

"You should have disguised yourself better."

"Do you think he will sue us for damages?" Emily gasped, her face red.

"Probably." Adrian shrugged.

"Adrian!" I yelled, "You are supposed to make me feel better... not worse!"

"In this situation. I can't. Let's cross our fingers and hope it comes off." 

"And if it doesn't?"

"I have to face him in the office tomorrow." 

Hey Guys!

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See you next update!



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