They propose to you.

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Suggestion by (well...I couldn't find their account..)! sorry if there's more descriptions on the day's more than anyone else lol.

Selozar: Selozar was really... frustrated when he proposed to you. Mostly because everyone was interrupting. Finally he had his chance. He got down on one knee and said in a calm voice, "Will you marry me...?" You basically screamed yes and hugged him until he had a stroke. (NOT REALLY!)

Rust_010: He was a bit violent when he proposed..he forced the ring onto your finger. It was a...bit romantic? Afterwards he took you on a nice dinner date. How sweet. But one of his creatures stole the dinner table during the end and Rust frantically chased after the creature.

G0Z: Ah yes, this goofball here. The god of clumsiness. When he proposed it was....a bit....ahem a disaster. He literally spent all day trying to get you alone for this one moment. When the clock hit midnight, he finally had his time. Surprisingly, you were actually awake so you had more of a surprise coming in. While Goz rushed to your room, and tripping while on the way there he hesitated to knock on your door. Finally, he brought himself to it and knocked. He proposed but oops! The ring fell in a hole in the ground. You accepted his attempt either way, giggling and making jokes about his failed attempt.

Radiant_Day: OH BROTHER. Yes our precious Radiant, sorry excuse my language! Rad ant. When he proposed it was so romantic that it shocked you, he practically forced Benevolent to set up a little place where he could propose. Benevolent did it either way no matter if he was forced or not, he still loved the idea. So, when he got on one knee, opened that ring case up Unstable screamed, "YOU GET HER RADIANT! MAKE HER SQUEAL!" Radiant looked back at him and gave him an annoyed look, but had a blush on his face. You giggled then eventually said yes. All the Operatives were yelling and screaming for you and Radiant. Macabre threw a party for you both and it lasted all night, everyone was completely wasted as well. (This one is so short ;w;

Unstable_Day: He doesn't seem like the type to propose. He was practicing all night, getting on his knee and saying "WILL YOU MMMMMARRRY ME?!" Placid came to his residence and told him to keep it down. But Unstable told him he was proposing tomorrow and he couldn't keep it down. So being Placid, he offered to help. They went over everything until they got it right, and Placid wished him luck. Now obviously, Placid told all the Operatives that Unstable was proposing. They just wanted to see him throw a ring at you, then roughly kiss ya. Well, Unstable thought it was a good idea to propose in the middle of the street- You were so embarrassed because a entire crowd was watching. Unstable didn't even get on his knee, he just took your hand, gently placed the ring on, and said, "WE MARRIED NOW!" Then kissed you. Let's say there was a lot of gossip beyond that day.

Unpredictable_Day: (sorry if I ain't going in order I can't remember the orders on the top of my head-) Stating his name "Unpredictable" it really tells about him. Unpredictable had hinted that he might propose, so it had you wondering how he would. Would he push you in a body of water and say, "We're married now. Okay, now outta the water" or, "Oh Y/N! We've known each other for sooooooooo long and....WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" Well in your mind it was either of those but in reality it was neither. Unpredictable grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, he literally screamed, "I'M PROPOSING!!!!" and a crowd just showed up, consisting of the Operatives as well. Unpredictable kissed your hand, spun you around and slapped that ring on your finger like there was no tomorrow. Then, he turned you around and said, "YOU SEE THAT?! Y/N IS MINE NOW!!!!!! WE'RE MARRIED!!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!" (we're keeping it gender neutral 🙃 feel free to replace the "them" with her or him idc)
You were blushing so much that you ran off, Unpredictable followed you and apologized. But hey, you weren't mad! That was hella fun.

Practical_Day: Well, Practical isn't much fun with proposing...Unlike everyone else he did it normally. You were sitting next to Radiant on a bench, talking about some shit and here comes Practical, with his hands behind his back. You payed no attention to him, and kept talking with Radiant. Practical eventually said, "Y/N, stand up I have something to say." You stood up, looking confused. Radiant knew what was going on, and winked at you. Practical got on one knee and said, "Through the rain and snow, you've always been there for me. You're my sunshine on a rainy day, Y/N. So, now will you marry me?" He pulled out a gray case, opened it and had a ring (of your choice) sparking in the sunshine! You literally started crying and hugged him, saying yes twenty times in a row. Radiant laughed and told you to calm down. Shut up Rad ant, stop being a bozo.

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