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We arrive and the first thing we see is the medics of the 212th being rushed down the trench with stretchers that have men on them. Blood spilling from their bodies as they have limbs blown off, and shrapnel in their eyes and bodies, concussions, and shock. I rush to a medic in the back and ask him the burning question.
Me: What happened?
Medic: Artillery, the seps got a lucky shot off and hit the inner trench wall. These poor men just happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time
I stare at the men rushing by in shock, and utter terror. I've seen some messed up shit, but this was like nothing that I've ever seen. The trenches are horrible and I've only been here for a few minutes. I look at one of the men on the stretchers and he was blown to bits and half of his lower torso was gone. Behind them was another man carrying the lower part. The remains of intestines hang off one side, and the mangled legs dangling from the spot that they were supposed to be, luckily. I see the last of the medics and I look behind me to the men of recon. They stare in shock and horror. I see Dean quickly remove his helmet and turn around to vomit. We eventually start down the entrenchment and look to our sides as we see the faces of hungered and scared clones. Their faces dirty and scarred. Not scarred like mine, but still scarred. We try to make it to the barracks, but we can't find it. I order my men to stop for a second, and I look to a clone that is sat down on the fire step.
Me: Trooper?
Trooper: Hmm?
Me: By any chance do you know where the barracks are?
Trooper: The barracks are full, I know that they are making another barracks for that new recon division
Me: That would be us
Trooper: Well... welcome to hell
I turn around to my men.
Me: Alright, I'm sorry to say, but we don't have a barracks for us yet, we'll set up sleeping bags in the watch towers and bunkers for now
I face forward and I see the split in the trench this part of the trench is wider, and there is much more room. I walk down it and I see a room. I walk in and it's an officers quarters. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. It's an officer.
Officer: I think that you're at the wrong place trooper
Me: Sorry about that, I'm second lieutenant Spirit.
I put my hand out for a handshake and he grabs my hand with a firm grip.
Officer: 2nd Lieutenant Charms
He shakes my hand and lets go.
Me: Charms?
He points to a chest that's in front of his bunk.
Charms: They call me Charms because in every battle I'm in I pick something up, and I call them charms.
Me: Ahhh, I see
Charms: If you don't mind me asking, why are you called Spirit?
Me: I was MIA for half a year, and everyone thought that I had died, and when I returned they called me Spirit, and it just stuck.
Charms: Well it was nice meeting you
Me: Likewise
With that I leave his quarters and I make my way down the trench to find my squad. I find Blast and Chuck at the armory, Dean and Hacksaw were just roaming, Angel was just chilling out and talking to Red. We set up at a decently sized watch tower. I pull the sleeping back out of my pack, and set it down. I hear the murmuring of the others and I speak up.
Me: What do you guys think of the AO so far?
Angel: It's...
Blast: Horrible
Dean: I don't want to end up like those others
Me: You won't, I'll make sure of that
Red: Umm how are we going to get furniture up here?
Me: I guess that we can make a pulley system, any ideas of stuff to put up here?
Hacksaw: I could go for a small table and two or so chairs.
Chuck: How about some playing cards and chess
Me: I think that we also need some ammo boxes and a weapon stand
Blast: oh yeah
Me: I'll send in the the request of two ammo boxes, a weapon stand, two chairs, a small table, checkers, chess, and playing cards?
Red: That sounds good to me
I look to the sky, the ship filled sky, I look on as I admire the beautiful explosions in the distance, and the republic bombers swooping in and dropping their payloads. It's beautiful. The night sky is light up with fireworks. I look to the squad and see that they have already gone to sleep. I figure it's time to do the same.

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