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I wish I was back in that tower on watch again. I walk through the dense forests with Chuck, some other trooper called Crackshot, and another one called Bolt. We keep in the heat, and mud, and the foliage of the forest. We don't stop. The bugs are constantly biting at our skin, somehow, they can bite through the cloth of our armor. The little fuckers are annoying! One lands on my arm and I shoo it away. The heat is killing us. Not literally but we are burning. I'm surprised that I can grip my blaster. I'm just that sweaty. We keep on marching though. I walk up to Crackshot.
Me: Hey, Crackshot.
Crackshot: Yes Ace?
Me: I was just wanting to talk.
Crackshot: Go ahead then
Me: So.. uh, how'd you get the name?
Crackshot: I am a pretty good shot. I can blast a droids head off with a DC-15 from 200 meters away, and at close range I can shoot pretty fast. Still getting the head too.
I look at him interested as we walk. I nod my head and speak.
Me: I got my name because of the ace of spades I have on my helmet. I put it there for good luck. You know how the ace of spades is a sign of good luck.
Bolt: I heard that a few ti-
Bolt is cut off by a twig snapping somewhere near us.
Chuck: Everybody radio silence...
I ready my weapon, and we wait a minute. After 20 seconds of complete radio silence I swear that I felt a strong gust of wind. 30 seconds later I kind of relax. Only 9 more seconds. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... it's over. I turn around to talk to Crackshot again and he's not there.
Me: Crackshot. Crackshot, where are you. This isn't funny!
The others hear me and turn around to see that he's gone. Me and Chuck look at Bolt.
Me: What do we do, sir?
I ask the corporal.
Chuck: We just lost Crackshot, and we might lose another if we don't go, sir.
Bolt: I agree trooper. Move it, back to back troopers, triangular formation, cover all angles.
We both do so with a "yes sir!" And we got on the move again. After a little while we came to a clearing. Not much here. For once. I feel lucky, but that feeling is quickly exterminated. As we move to the middle of the clearing I hear an all to familiar sound. You hear it all the time in basic. An EMP!
Me: Scatter!
We quickly run from the middle of the clearing, and blaster fire is set off. I see red blaster bolts flying around me, and hitting the ground in front of me, I hear the sound of metallic feet. I look back, and I see a few brownish black droids shooting at us with E-5s. I quickly get behind a tree and look around for friendlies. I peak around and a blaster bolts flys right over my head. I grab my DC-15S, and unfold the stock. I start to army crawl my way to a bunch of rocks. On the way over I aim to my right and fire three bolts. I look up and see 2 other streams of blaster bolts. I get up and sprint towards the streams of fire.
Me: Covering fire!
They continue to light up the droids, but it seems that it is doing nothing. I make my way over to them, and I crouch beside Bolt. I see him firing his DC-15A, and I do the same. I see them divert fire to us, and a jump out of the way. I didn't jump soon enough though. Neither did Bolt. I jumped in time for a bolt to him home right in the left arm. But Bolt got it right to the head. I watched his body fall, and I rush over to my brother. I check his vitals, and it is clear that he is dead. With my one good arm, I pick up by DC-15s again and fire. I hit it in the chest, but it just gets back up again. I then remembered what Cody said about commando droids. I try and aim for the head, and I fire 5 times, I hit it's head once, and it falls. I see Chuck creeping up behind the other one that's aiming directly at me. He jumps on its back, and he tries to grab its blaster. He gets thrown over its shoulder and he gets back up. I try and rush, but I get hit by another blaster. My vision is darkening, and the last thing I see is Chuck getting knocked out, and carried away. They do the same for me, and I pass out.

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