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I lay on my comfortable bunk, with my warm blanket over my fragile body. It's certainly better that the cave. I turn, and toss, and I feel sorry. I can't stop thinking about it, about them. I have to hold it in. For myself.

"I jumped in time for a bolt to him home right in the left arm. But Bolt got it right to the head. I watched his body fall, and I rush over to my brother. I check his vitals, and it is clear that he is dead"


"I peak over to see Devil rushing to us. He jumps over the cover and turns around. He starts firing beside us. He, of course, nails all in the head. We keep firing and a grenade lands beside us. I try and jump away but can't. I hear it go off, and I close my eyes, waiting for the pain. I feel nothing. I open my eyes and see Devil. On top of me. He took the damage from the grenade. He saved me, but not himself."


"Chuck: Everybody radio silence...
I ready my weapon, and we wait a minute. After 20 seconds of complete radio silence I swear that I felt a strong gust of wind. 30 seconds later I kind of relax. Only 9 more seconds. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... it's over. I turn around to talk to Crackshot again and he's not there.
Me: Crackshot. Crackshot, where are you. This isn't funny!"

Please, no! I hear their voices again.

"I hear blasters behind me. I see them all around, and then I see speeders go by, and towards the guys. I get there, but not in time. I see D, on the ground with a blaster bolt burn right in the center of the chest. I hear his screams.
D: Oh God! It burns! It burns!
I rush over to him, and I rip the helmet off his head. I speak.
Me: D calm down! Stop screaming it takes to much energy, just stay with us!
He looks at me his life slowly fading away.
D: Please, just go! Leave me to.. die
Me: I- no we cannot do that!
D: Sir, j-just please don't let me be forgotten.
I hear footsteps behind me. Chuck.
Chuck: We almo- D!
He rushes to me and D.
Chuck: No, please no, not you too!
D: C-Chuck.. Ace.. p-please.. don't.. go
He speaks in a slow voice
Me: This is my fault!
D: N-No... A-Ace
I see him go limp. His eyes still open, I feel him breathing his last cold breath. He is dead, nothing can change that."

Please, God! Make it stop! I hear there voices everyday, every step I take. I see them in every dream I have. It haunts me. I can't hold it in anymore. I curl up and cry. A nonstop river of tears erupt from my soar, tired, and broken eyes. I wail, and I do it so loudly that the other clones can hear it. I see the door quickly open, and I see a droid. No. It can't be a droid. I subconsciously jump at it, and I tackle it out of the room. I start punching it repeatedly in the face plate, and I scream.
Me: You son of a bitch! You killed my friends, my family! I'll rip your circuits out of your goddamn throat!
I continue and then I hear shouting. I hear my name, and I feel a stun.

I awake in an infirmary. I try and move, but I can't. I have my arms and legs strapped onto a table. I look around, and I see an officer laying on the bed next to me, and his face is all bloody and bruised. No. I didn't beat the shit out of an officer. I see some of my friends walk in. They are worried about me, and I know it. They walk to me and start talking.
Angel: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm fine
Angel: Ok, well that's good
Chuck: What happened?
Me: I thought that he was a droid. My PTSD causes hallucinations. It causes me to see things differently.
After some talking and explaining they leave. I'm tired again.

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