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We charge towards the retreating droids, and the heat is astonishing. Somehow hotter than it already is. The incendiary bombs really destroyed the place. Not a lot to look at now, and the jungle is burning down. Of course it'll stop eventually, but it's still hot as hell. I look onward as we keep going. I look as the droids take cover in the trees once again. But now, now we can see them, there isn't enough cover. I stop for a second and fire into the tree line. I hear hyperventilating behind me. I turn behind me and see Sunshine. I look behind me and see a droid pointing an E-5 at him. Running on pure adrenaline, I rush to him, and I tackle him to the ground. I flip off of him and onto my back, and I quickly take aim and fire. I strike it in the chest, and it falls. I get up and look down to him.
Me: On your feet trooper!
Sunshine: Y-Yes sir!
He tries to get to his feet and he does soon. I pay his shoulder and he follows me to cover. I find I log and I dive behind it. He does the same.
Me: Where is your squad?
Sunshine: D-Dead sir!
I let out a sigh, and look at him.
Me: Stick with me kid
Sunshine: Yes sir!
I hop over the log and move up I fire as I move up to another log. I get on the coms, and contact Cody.
Me: Cody! Our forces have pushed the enemy into the forest! What is your status?
Cody: Good job! We are pushing them back too, get ready!
Me: Yes sir!
I get off the coms and jump over the log again. I look be hind me and see Sunshine still on my six. I start slowing down and I fire rapidly into the enemy ranks. They keep going back. I step over the bodies of clones and droids alike. They keep firing! I suddenly hear the impact of a blaster right behind me, and then a pained, scared, and surprised gasp. I turn around me and see the burn. Right on his fucking chest. Center mass. Sunshine was hit, badly. A medic sees this time, and runs over. I hear his screams. His screams of pain and agony. Please not again!
Sunshine: Oh fuck! God please save me!
I rush over to him and kneel down beside the poor rookie.
Me: Your going to be just fine Sunshine, I promise.
Sunshine: I don't want to fucking die, please!
Me: it's ok, you'll be ok
I'm now noticing the red blaster bolts flying around us. I get hit in the back, and it hurts like a bitch! I managed to stand up and limp my way to the enemy lines, I manage a small jog. I remember all of my past wounds. But I keep going. I continue firing. I see a droid behind a tree, crouching. I take my aim and fire... miss, and I fire again... miss, and one more time. He fires before I can, and it strikes me right in the chest. I stumbled and keep my aim, and thankfully the armor on my chest protected me. I fire once more, and I fire again, but this time time I don't miss. I nail him right in the chest. I move up more and see even more droids, I see clones, red and blue bolts pass and go. This operation is going to be the death of me, literally. I hear the shouting and barking of orders from the COs and NCOs of Clone Force Bravo. I keep forward. I slow down though. I continue a steady line of fire, and light up droids like it's nothing. I look behind me, and I see the "faces" of the unnamed clones that are serving with me. I see many new troopers that have seen their first bit of combat. I look forward again, and fire more. I see that there are only few droids left. A few being almost 2x the men of Clone Force Bravo. It's a lot less that it was before. This was basically a suicide mission. I never wanted to think about it, I just knew it. Never mentioned it either. I run to the hostiles and tackle one to the ground, and I hit it in the side of the faceplate a few times with my side arm. I tackle a lot. I look up to see two more droids. They aim at me, but get gunned down pretty quickly. Within the hour we have their numbers dwindling, but we lose many too. Luckily we still have Alpha.

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