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I am in my quarters that was assigned to me. It originally belonged to Devil, but ever since he passed on the torch its been mine. I don't like to think of it that way though. In my mind it will always be his. Those rumors weren't true. I need to check up on everybody. I exit the building, and I hear a familiar voice.
Cody: Good morning Spirit.
I stop walking and I turn around to see none other than Commander Cody.
Me: Good morning sir.
Cody: No need to call me sir, I like to believe that we are good acquaintances.
Me: Sorry Cody, I'm still getting used to the leadership role. Not that long ago I was just a trooper.
Cody: I understand.
We start walking together talking about the normal stuff like the food, and our next batch of orders, replacement troopers, the 501st. All of that stuff. We get into orders, and tactics.
Cody: Speaking of our orders Spirit, we are going to need to talk to you about some information later.
Me: Alright, when exactly?
Cody: 1700 hours, can you make it?
Me: Yes sir.
Cody: Alright, see you then.
He walks off, and I make my way over to the barracks. I go to the Spirit Squad Barracks to talk to my good friends. I also want to talk to them about some new men. I heard that Spirit Squad is getting two more troopers. I think the names were Red and Hacksaw. I enter the barracks and I see them. All doing there thing. D is sleeping, Angel is reading, all while Chuck and Blast are arm wrestling.
Me: Hey guys!
They all look at me, except D, and snap to attention.
Me: At ease. Please don't do that, I'm still your friend.
Blast: Sorry sir.
Me: And don't call me sir. Save that for the field, and I prefer you don't do it as much on the field either.
Chuck: Yeah, we're sorry about that.
Angel: What brings you here Spirit?
Blast: Do we get to kill some more clankers?
Me: Sorry to disappoint you Blast, but no. I am simply here to hang out. I also heard about two new troopers.
Angel: We're getting some shinys?
Me: Yep. The names are apparently Red and Hacksaw.
Chuck: Well that's exiting.
Me: Yep. How's D doing?
Chuck: He's doing good.
Me: That's good, you guys want to go get something from the mess?
Angel: Sure thing. I need something to eat.
Chuck: I'll join.
Blast: I'll pass, thank you though.
Me: That's ok. Let's go guys.
We make our way out of the barracks passing other clone troopers. We enter the mess and other troopers look at us surprised. We almost never came out of our barracks, and the word didn't spread. So multiple other clones don't know that we're back, and not dead. I here people mumbling and talking about the "Dead Men", or the "Spirit". We get in line and I get my food. I had gotten a few eggs, some milk, and a protein bar. The other two get something familiar and sit down with me. Once we finish eating I check the time. 1637.
Me: I need to go, and get my orders. I'll talk to you guys later.
Chuck: See you later Spirit.
I feel Angel hug me.
Angel: See you.
She let's go and I make my way to the command tent.

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