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The walk back was was easy. There was no enemy resistance and the ambush was the last of the stragglers. The assault on the supply hub was a failure, but we captured the road. So Operation Spearhead was a success. We are going to build entrenchments closer to enemy forces. Yet another operation is being processed. Operation Opposition is going to be composed of two smaller operations. Operation Bombshell, and the Beinnam Offensive. Operation Bombshell is going to be a massive barrage of air strikes and air raids on enemy lines. This should soften up the enemy defenses. And the Beinnam Offensive is what it sounds like. It'll be a ground assault that will happen less than a day after Operation Bombshell. It's the offensive that will take the capital of this continent. This all happens in about a month from what I'm hearing. I heard this almost immediately after I got back. It was leaked by a trooper who overheard Cody talking about it. I walk through the checkpoint that we have set up on the road. I receive a transmission. It's Cody. I answer and am met with the voice of my CO.
Cody: So the operation was a success, good job. I have dispatched a few LAATs to the road behind the checkpoint. Get your men and return to the OB, we'll talk more there
Me: Yes sir
With that the transmission ends. I look to the men at the checkpoint. I yell for my men.
Me: 212th Reconnaissance Division, fall in, 10 man front!
I see all of my men fall in in front of me, and just as I ordered.
Me: Eyes!
They all look at me.
Me: Our good commander, Cody, has decided to pull us back, and put us in the secondary lines. We are going to be extracted at the LZ which is just up the road. Is this understood?
I hear a series of "Yes sir" and we march into the LZ the march was short and the transports were already there. We all quickly got in, and we made our way to the base. The LAATs land and we file out. I see a trooper jog up to me. I stop and turn to him. He stops in front of me and snaps to attention.
Trooper: Commander Cody and General Kenobi have requested you to report to the command center.
Me: Thank you trooper. You are dismissed.
He walks away and I walk to the command center and take in the surroundings. It's hot as always, but I feel safe. I see troopers talking, cutting up, moving boxes, cleaning out barrels, all of that stuff. I walk in and snap to attention.
Me: 2nd Lieutenant Spirit reporting as ordered sir
They look at me.
Cody: At ease, take a seat
Me: Yes sir
I sit down and look across the table. There is a map. Now modified with our other trench emplacements and the enemy supply lines are cyan blue now. There is another map that has the battle plan for Operation Spearhead. I look up at the two and Cody looking at me, and General Kenobi is stroking his beard looking at the board. He speaks.
Kenobi: This was quite the operation wasn't it lieutenant?
Me: Yes sir, we lost many good troopers up there, and we made veterans of those that survived
Kenobi: I suppose you did, and you lead this operation?
Me: Yes sir
I see him look at Cody.
Cody: I had him lead the operation, so he could gain some battlefield experience
Kenobi: Ah, I see
He looks down at the boar, but then at me. He stopped stroking his beard and his hand is now still.
Kenobi: I must say, you did an outstanding job
Me: Thank you sir
Cody: He was also the one that came up with the strategy, and plan.
Kenobi: Well that is quite impressive, I'd think that the strategic creativity would be limited due to the programming that was implemented into the clone army, but that is clearly not the case
Me: Usually it would sir
He looks up at me interested in what I have to say.
Me: I was a defect from birth sir, I feel more emotion, and I have more independent thoughts, and as a result I am much more creative. I also had a good teacher.
Kenobi: Who would that be?
Me: Lieutenant Devil sir
Kenobi: I thought that Devil was labeled Missing In Action
Cody: If I may take over for a second, Lieutenant Spirit was labeled MIA when he was captured and made a POW for the CIS. He escaped when he was being executed. Lieutenant Devil didn't make it. Spirit here was actually made lieutenant per request of Lieutenant Devil when he sent a message.
I remember, but I must not think about the incident. I shake the thoughts out of my head, and I look forward.
Kenobi: You sure are something aren't you lieutenant?
Me: I guess so sir, wether it be good or bad
Kenobi: What do you think of the battle plan for Operation Opposition?
Me: I think that it's good, we just need to strike specific locations. I'd say right along the back of the front line, and center it. That'll strike the artillery placements. That larger building is the hostile command center. Rain hell there. The just napalm the fuck out of the enemy lines. Bases, trenches, everything. It won't kill droids, but it'll destroy buildings and munitions. Those munitions explode and kill droids, and they also lose ammunition. It'll also burn any jungle or forest behind enemy lines, and that means that they won't have any cover when they fall back, and they won't be able to ambush our forces from the shrubbery because there won't be any shrubbery.
They look at me and then at each other. I see General Kenobi smile and look at me.
Kenobi: This is definitely insightful, you may go
I stand up, give a sharp solute, and with that I leave the command center.

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