Chapter 15

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A/N dedicated to Shreyaxxx you're welcome :)

Mitch POV

I'm so scared. Alex. Has he not done enough? I hate him so much but what can I do? Nothing. I am stuck in this bed, attached to pumps and drips and machines and I am basically a sitting duck. What have I ever done to provoke him? Maybe some people are just rotten to the core, like him. I know that I won't sleep to tonight, or ever again for that matter. I can't do anything about it though. I feel so trapped yet so exposed, it's horrible.

Scott POV

I have left Mitch in the hospital with VERY strict instructions to the doctors of no they will allow in to see him. I am sat in the police station waiting to hear if they can get a restraining order for Alex or at least something that will help us. An officer walks out of the office and beckons me to come with him.
"Take a seat sir, I need to go through a few things."
I quickly take my seat and look at him expectantly.
"We can't do anything I'm afraid."
"WHAT?! Why not?! Have you read the note? It's threatening!"
"Sir please calm down before I have to restrain you. You cannot prove that you didn't write this to help you punish Alexander."
"I've told you what he did to Mitch and how he treats him. Please do something!"
"As you didn't come to us whilst Mitchell had these injuries, we cannot prove that he had them especially as you have no photographic evidence of them."
This is ridiculous. These people are so twisted.
"Is there no way you can help at all?"
"Erm no. Sorry."
I storm out of the station, heading straight for the hospital. What am I going to do? I can't go and tell Mitch that I failed. That would be awful.
I turn around and head in the other direction towards school. I can try ad at least get him expelled can't I?

Mitch POV

I watch the clock, wishing Scott would hurry up. He said that he would be quick but he's been over 2 hours and counting. My door opens and I look up in surprise. Speak of the devil, I guess.
However the eyes that meet mine are not the beautiful piercing blue eyes of my boyfriend but the stone cold grey ones of him.
Alex is in my room. And there's no way I can call for help.

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