Chapter 9

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A/N could be triggering - self harm 😭 I'm sorry


Mitch POV

I am frozen in shock and fear.


The headmaster grabs me by the arm and hauls me out if the classroom. I look back at Scott and he is looking straight out of the window with his back to me. It was all a lie. I can't stop the tears that run down my face as I am shoved to the head teachers office. I am shoved into the seats outside it and told angrily to wait here. I am full on sobbing now, my body shaking, my vision blurry and I can no longer breathe. I gulp air and sniff, sounding like a a little crybaby. I laugh sadly through my tears. Of course he didn't want to be with me. He just pitied me. I don't even deserve pity. Dark thoughts start to swirl around my head and I begin to see dark spots forming at the edge of my vision.

The door to his office opens suddenly and I am brought crashing back to earth. The headmaster, Mr Kaplan, was stood formidably in his doorway.

"Come with me. I have phoned your parents and they are on their way."

I nod and follow him into his office. I deserve this. Whatever punishment I get, I deserve. I had obviously read between the lines and got it wrong. I mean, Scott never said that we were boyfriends, or that he liked me in that way. I'm not special. He has no reason to like me.

Mr Kaplan talks to me, questions me, yells at me and then my parents arrive and they talk to me, question me and yell at me.

I sit there and agree with everything. I thought there was something and there wasn't. I came on to Mr Hoying. I forced myself onto him. I am responsible.

I sit in the back of the car in silence as my parents drive me home. My parents are ashamed of me. I would be ashamed of me if I was my son. If that makes sense.

Once we are home my parents try and get me to sit on the couch and talk to them, to give them my side of the story. I pretend to be tired and I make my way upstairs.

However, instead of going to bed, I lock myself in the bathroom and reach into the medicine cabinet.

I smile when I can feel the smooth sharp blades of my razor. I strip naked and stand in the bath. I cut my ugly body as much as I can, enjoying the feeling of the blood running down my legs into the bath. I turn on the shower, and the water swirls red down the plug hole. It stings when the water hits my fresh wounds but that makes it better, more real.

Once I am done, I put my trousers back on, relishing the pain as the material rubs against my legs. I head to bed, knowing that I have got what I deserve.

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