Chapter 12

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A/N sorta triggering and yeah. I'm sorry, this chapter is a little brutal. 🌚 At least I warned you 😎

Kirstie POV

What an idiot.
I turn and go back to class.
"Where's Mr Hoying gone?" One of my classmates asks.
I didn't think about that.
"Ermmm he has gone home ill... so we have a free period now!"
Everyone cheers and runs out, leaving me on my own to hope Mitchie is OK.

Mitch POV

Another day, sat on my own. At least I told Kirstie. I feel a bit better, like I have a weight lifted.
I carry on playing my new pastime, the knife song. I know I am about a year late for the trend but it is fun and every time I accidentally catch myself on it, it gives me a thrill. My right hand is in a state though and is covered in blood as I'm not very good at it yet.
Someone suddenly starts hammering on the door and I jerk my arm up in surprise. My knife slices right through my shirt and my skin.
I gasp and look down. Blood is pooling everywhere and my vision goes blurry. The knife clatters to the floor and a cry escapes my lips.
Black spots cloud my eyes and I black out.

Scott POV

I rush to Mitch's house and hammer on the door.
"Mitch open up please, I realised what I have done to you and I am sorry."
I rest my head on the door and start speaking softer.
"I didn't think that I would affect you that way because I didn't think you would care about me that much. I didn't think anyone would care about me that much. I started... I started falling for you and that scared me. I didn't want to hurt you and I am sorry. I thought that if I pretended that it was you, I could distance myself a bit and we could both have some time to think things through and maybe sort out what we want with this. But now I realise my mistake. You needed me and I deserted you. I... I love you Mitch."
I listen at the door and there is no sound. I am offended and embarrassed as I think that I just said that to no one. He must be out. I am about to leave when I hear a groan from inside that sounds like Mitch.
I listen again and I can only hear weird sounds like gurgling.
I try to open the door but it is locked.
"Mitch I'm going to break the door in, either stand back or yell to me that you are fine!" I yell through the door.
No sound come from inside so I count to three and bash my shoulder against the door. It moves slightly so I try again. This time it gives way and I fall through onto the carpet. I stand up rubbing my shoulder. It looks a lot less painful in the movies.
I look around for Mitch and I see his feet behind the kitchen counter. Please don't be...
I walk over there and cover my mouth as screams try to escape.
Lying in a pool of his own blood, is Mitch, with a knife near his hands. I quickly grab a phone and call for an ambulance, giving them Mitch's address.
They tell me to put pressure on the wound and I do so, shuddering when I see the damage, across his chest and down to his stomach. Thankfully it isn't too deep, and he is still breathing.
The ambulance arrives and I go with him to hospital, holding his hand.
They whisk him off to surgery and I am left sat in the waiting room by myself, imagining the worst.

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