Chapter 3

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Mitch POV

I check the time and grin. Time for detention! Ok, I am waaaay too happy. I need to calm down. I stand up and a wave of dizziness overcomes me. I put my hand to my head and groan as my face throbs against the touch. Hopefully the swelling has gone down. I creep out of the cubicle and look in the mirror. Nope. And it has all turned a beautiful shade of purple with green and yellow patches around it. Its a rainbow. My face is officially as gay as me.

I walk to detention with my head down and avoiding eye contact with everyone. I make it to the classroom and Mr Hoying is there and waiting. I keep my head down so he can't see my battered face.

"Mitch! Glad you came, right down to business. I want you to sort out these sheets of music into groups of 3 for tomorrow."

I nodded, not wanted to talk as my voice would betray my injuries.

Mr Hoying isn't fooled though. He walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. I ignore the sparks radiating from his touch and focus on keeping my stare at the floor.

"Mitch? Can you looks at me?"

I sigh and shake my head.

"Mitch. Now."

I slowly lift my head and Mr Hoying gasps and steps back. Great. Now he thinks I'm ugly. I turn to walk away. I can't stand this any more. I don't want him to see me like this.

"Wait Mitch, I'm sorry! I was just... It took me by surprise that's all. Who did this to you?"

I can't exactly tell him can I?

"It's nothing. I tripped and fell."

Mr Hoying laughed humourlessly.

"Mitch I'm not stupid. Sit down and talk to me."

I cautiously sit down and start to bite my nails out of habit. I'm not going to answer any questions he asks me. I don't know why I came here. I should've gone home.

He sits down next to me and starts to speak quietly, which takes me by surprise.

"I know what you're going through."


"People used to pick on me at school and I hated it. I became quite the master at hiding bruises from my parents. I told a teacher and they laughed at me and told me to deal with it. That's when I decided to become one. To be the help I never received and be there for people. I want you to know that I'm here for you Mitch."

I am flabbergasted.

"Why did people beat you up? You're like the nicest person ever? If you don't mind me asking sir."

Mr Hoying grimaced and nodded.

"Well... I was different. I liked singing in the choir and I wasn't like the others."

Could he be... No, he can't be! Is he?

"I - I'm gay, and the other boys kinda used that as a reason for using me a human punch bag."

OMG. O. M. G.



OK, OK calm down. Mr Hoying is gay. Mr Hoying is GAY. Breathe. This changes nothing. He probably has a boyfriend. He's super hot so he won't be single. WHAT IF HE IS? He's not. OK, he's looking at you weird. Hopefully he didn't notice your inner fangirl.


Wow great response there. He's going to think your a homophobe now! Mr Hoying smiles sadly.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. Detention's over. You can leave if you want."

I make no effort to leave and I stay where I am.

"I - I'm gay too."

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