Chapter 6

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A/N could be triggering - self harm 😥

Scott (Mr Hoying) POV

I feel awful for how I treated Mitch but I can't have him thinking that there could be an 'us'. Even if he wasn't my student, I haven't even taken him out or done anything nice to him and I am NOT the guy who just sleeps with anyone. No way.

I ask all of Mitch's teachers if they have seen him today as he didn't show up to music. They all confirm what I thought. He bunked off school because of what I said. He hasn't been seen since leaving my classroom.

I feel so responsible and protective. I hope nothing bad has happened to him.

I jump in my car and go and look for him, even if it's just to apologise.

Mitch POV

I can barely breathe. My eyes are so swollen that I can only see a proportion of what is happening. I am lying on my side and I can feel the blood running out of my mouth. My ribcage screams with every breath. This is the worst they've ever done.

My eyes begin to close and darkness engulfs me.

Scott POV

I assume Mitch has gone home as he isn't in all the places that I would have gone if I was ditching, such as Starbucks, and I have checked them all. I sigh and turn right, heading home. It's dark now as it is 8pm and my headlights cast across a figure at the side of the road. For some reason, I am drawn to it and I pull over.

I open the door and shiver as the cold autumn wind brushes against me. I trudge over to the figure, assuming it's a hobo, but at least I could buy them a coffee to warm them upon something.

"Excuse me? Are you OK?" I ask them, bending down to shake them awake. They flip over and I stand up quickly in shock and terror. That can't be..?

I look closely and stifle a cry. Mitch has been brutally left here to die? I quickly wrap him up in my coat and carefully pick him up and carry him to my car.

I lay him in the passenger seat and realise I don't know where he lives or how to contact his parents. I quickly decide to take him to my house for the night and call his parents as soon as Mitch wakes up and can tell me their number.

I drive home SUPER carefully today, and I keep glancing at my unconscious companion. We pull of in the driveway and I shut off the engines. I run around the front of the car and gently lift him and carry him inside. I contemplate getting him an ambulance but I remember his fear when I saw his face in detention. I don't want to make things worse.

I lay him on my bed and start to assess the damage. His face is a mess. It's all swollen and his old bruises have turned an ugly green and the new ones are slowly turning purple. I grab some ice from the freezer and wrap it in a tea towel, reducing the swelling.

I'm scared to look any further; afraid of what I might find. I pull myself together and carefully peel off his top, being very gentle, as to not hurt the sleeping boy.

I gasp at what I find. His torso is black and blue and by the looks of the bruises, I think he's broken a few ribs. Or rather someone has broken them.

I can feel tears drip down my face as I look at the broken body of this boy. What has he done to deserve this?

I remove his trousers which are sticky with blood and I gasp at what I see.

Rows and rows of cuts on his thighs and some has been reopened by the bullies, unintentionally I presume.

I get a cloth and carefully clean the wounds, and bandage them up. It hurts me to think about Mitch doing this to himself, and it hurts me even more to realise that no one has noticed. You wouldn't think that he was hurting yet it's clear that he was. Very much.

I put some of my smaller clothes on the tiny boy, and leave him in my bed to rest until the morning.

I am not ashamed to say that I cried myself to sleep.

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