Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

     The next day found Marlene, Lily, Ellie and I sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table with the other three giving me a rundown on all the teachers.

     "Professor Arctura – she teaches Ancient Runes – is really nice. Her lessons are always fun and interesting, but we still learn loads."

     "Professor Slughorn, the Potions teacher, is a little strange. He likes to 'collect' talented people to be in his so-called 'Slug Club' where they have a bunch of get-togethers and dinner parties. Lily seems to like them, but I think they're quite stupid, actually."


     "I'm just stating the truth, Lily!"

     "Anyway, Professor McGonagall; Now she's one to watch out for. She teaches transfiguration and is probably the strictest teacher here, but also a real softie at heart. But you still shouldn't get caught goofing off in her class. She's also head of Gryffindor house, so you can go to her if you ever need anything."

     I grinned at their description of McGonagall. It was almost exactly the same as what Al had told me before I came to Hogwarts, strict and fair when she needed to be and soft as a pillow when she didn't, and the one to go to if there was a problem. I blinked back a couple of tears at the memory of my brother, and began to listen to their descriptions of teachers again in an attempt to get my mind off of my family.

     When we had all finished eating we headed off to Charms, our first class of the day. I recognized Professor Flitwick immediately from my dad's descriptions. He was tiny, with shocking white hair and had a broad grin on his face as he surveyed our class, Gryffindors and his own Ravenclaws. Ellie sat next to a girl named Alexa Mellowfern. They were talking excitedly all the way up until class began. I learned later (from Ellie herself) that they had been friends for years, and had grown up in the same area.

     "As you may or may not have known," Professor Flitwick began once the class had settled somewhat. "We have a new student with us today. Miss Thomas, could you please stand?"

     I stood up, blushing as every head turned towards me. Sirius and James let out a series of wolf-whistles from behind my back and laughter sounded through the room. Marlene, who had been sitting at the table in front of Lily and I, winked as a wide grin spread over her face. I rolled my eyes and sat down, still blushing, and was eternally grateful to Professor Flitwick when he began talking about Cheering Charms, effectively taking the attention of the class off of me.

     Every class I was in with the boys (really only three, but still), for the rest of the day, went the same way. I'd be introduced to the class by the teacher and the black-haired duo would embarrass me in one way or another.

     In Ancient Runes (the first class I had without either of the boys) I thought I would get a break, but it was not to be. Marlene, who seemed to have enjoyed making me flush in embarrassment, took up the mantle of the two troublemakers while they were absent. Professor Arctura laughed gaily when the dark-haired girl wolf-whistled and awarded Gryffindor five points for making me feel welcome... Yeah, sure. Embarrassment is so welcoming.

     Arithmancy, the last class of the day and consequently a class that only Lily and I took, was the only class where I wasn't pointed out like a circus animal. The teacher, a fair-haired man with scarily blue eyes named Professor Arnold Huggins, just called out my name and told me to stand up. Unfortunately pretty much all the other students in the class were Ravenclaws and had been in our Charms class earlier that morning. So they laughed anyway, remembering James and Sirius' introduction of me.

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