Chapter 13

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Sorry that this is a week 'late' (because I said I would try, but I had half of an in-class exam this past week and a whole bunch of homework these last two weeks. :P And sorry for the shortness, but the next chapter will be longer and will include something that you guys seem to be excited for! ;) Hmmm... it looked a lot longer on my iPod's Notes... :)

On another note, thank you all for reading and thanks much to all who commented on the last chapter!!! :D

With that, please enjoy!

Chapter 13

     The weather was getting colder and colder. No snow had fallen yet, but it was only a matter of time before the castle grounds were covered in high drifts of white fluff.

     The Marauders still hadn't confronted me about my identity and I hadn't seen them sneaking around for a while, so I could only assume they had been having trouble creating the map. That or they just hadn't noticed my name yet.

     I had stopped by the library after classes to grab a book I needed for an Ancient Runes project, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I groaned aloud. I had left my homework until the last moment, as I usually did, and I was finally paying the price. The project (researching what runes would be needed to create different wards around different structures) was due the next day, and I couldn't even find the book I needed for it!

     "Need some help?" asked a haughty voice from behind me. "Or are you quite finished?"

     I spun around to see a tall seventh year Slytherin with long blonde hair and aristocratic-looking features. He looked vaguely familiar, but I was sure I had never met him before.

     "I-I-" I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

     "Honestly Evans," he sneered, his lip curling in disgust. "You're worse than usual, especially since you're a Mudblood."

     I stifled an angry retort at the slur and composed myself.

     "Sorry, but my name is Luna, Luna Thomas. And I'm a half blood." that at least was true, anyway.

     There was no expression of surprise on his face, but he looked me over again, almost approvingly. "My apologies," he nodded graciously and held out his hand. "Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy."

     I took his hand and shook it. It was Scorp's granddad. That was why he looked familiar. "My pleasure," I said, trying to be polite, despite the stories I remembered Scorpius telling us about his grandfather and the tales my dad had told about some of his adventures that had featured Lucius Malfoy as a Death Eater in Lord Voldemort's inner circle.

     "The pleasure is all mine," Lucius replied smoothly. "Now what were you looking for?"

     "Uh- well I was just looking for this book for an Ancient Runes project, but I couldn't find it anywhere..." I showed him the scrap of I had scribbled the title of the book the week before.

     He looked thoughtful for a moment, before shaking his head.

     "Arctura must be going 'round the bend if she's recommending this book to her OWL students," he muttered. "Her predecessor, Professor Tarlott, was much better. Unfortunately he got drafted for some warding in Russia - better pay than a teaching job. So that's where he's gone."

     He seemed to be rambling, but I kept myself from asking the relevance of the information he was sharing, worried I would be labled as impertinent.

     "Ah!" he exclaimed suddenly, pulling a thin, leather-bound book off a higher shelf. "Here it is. All you need to know about runic warding. Hope it helps."

     "Um- thank you," I said hesitantly, trying to sort out my confused thoughts. All I had heard about Lucius Malfoy chalked him up to being evil - Voldemort's deputy, a high-ranking death eater, a wealthy, snobbish brat and a Slytherin to the core - he used whatever means necessary to achieve his ends, regardless of the cost to others. The Lucius Malfoy I was seeing was polite and kind, if a bit high-up and well-off. He actually reminded me a bit of Scorpius, when I thought about it.

     Feeling a sharp stab of homesickness, I muttered another hurried thank you and rushed off to check out the book. The way back to my common room was spent trying to validate either view of the Malfoy heir with what I already knew about him and failing miserably. When I reached the portrait hile however, I shoved those confusing thoughts away. I really did need to finish that Ancient Runes assignment.

     Two hours later, once I had finished my project (admittedly with plenty of help from Lily) and eaten dinner, I headed back to the library to return the book I had borrowed earlier. I was heading back to the Gryffindor dorms when I heard hushed voices coming from a hallway up ahead.

     "Hello?" I called, stepping closer. The voices stopped suddenly.

     The dim rays of the setting sun through the arched windows were fading fast, leaving a murky twilight over the halls.

     "Hello?" I asked again, coming level with the corridor where the voices had come from. It looked utterly empty. "Is anybody there?"

     There was no answer, not that I had expected one. I turned to leave, and heard a shuffling. I whipped around.

     Eyeing the corridor suspiciously, I turned again to head back to the common room.

     But before I had gone two steps, a pair of arms encircled me tightly, oke around my waist and the other over my mouth, effectively muffling my yells. I was pulled back into an abandoned classroom and the door was closed and locked behind me.

Yay! A cliffie! ;) Who do you think 'kidnapped' her (for lack of a better term)? And what do you think of her meeting with Lucius Malfoy? I sincerely hope to have the next chapter up soon! Please review and tell me what you think! :D

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