Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

     My head was pounding, my blood beating a furious tattoo on the inside of my skull. As my world resolved into pain and whiteness I realized I was laying down in the Hospital Wing while Al and my godbrother Teddy Lupin were standing over me talking in hushed voices.

     "What happened to her?"

     "I don't know, there was just a bright flash of light and she fell into the corridor. I think she banged her head pretty hard."

     "Prongs, people don't just fall into the school out of nowhere. Where did she come from?"

     Oh, so it was James. I remembered when he had insisted being called 'Prongs' by Teddy and his other friends ever since he had learned that his namesake was actually Prongs from the Marauder's Map. It hadn't changed, even almost six years later.

     "Well, how would I know where she came from? I told you, she just appeared out of thin air!"

     I assumed they were talking about me, but the pain in my head rendered any excess thoughts irrelevant. When the pain lessened for a moment I wondered why my head hurt so much. I tried to sit up, but it only resulted in an increase in the pain. It felt like my head was going to explode. I moaned and James and Teddy looked around, just realizing I was awake.

     "What happened to you?" Teddy asked, looking concerned, only it didn't really look like Teddy. He was a bit shorter and his eyes and hair were brown instead of the green and bright blue that they usually were. Though Teddy was a Metamorphmagus, so he could really just change it whenever he wanted. Maybe he and James had been on an Auror assignment. Teddy had passed his Auror Exams five years ago and was one of the Senior Aurors, while James had passed his the past July. I think they wanted to be Aurors because of dad, who's head of the Auror office and my uncle Ron who's the right-hand man.

     "I-" My voice cracked. I swallowed and tried again. "I don't know." My throat was terribly dry and all I wanted was some water. James obliged my silent plea and I drank it down immediately. Feeling a little better, I decided to ask the questions I'd been thinking in my head. "Where's Claire and Hugo? Are they okay? Al and Scorpius didn't hex them too bad did they?" I gave a small smile at the thought.

     Teddy and James looked at each other, confused expressions spreading across their faces. This was very odd. I'd definetely told them about my friends and, if nothing else, they knew Al and Hugo. They were family.

     Before I could ask them why they were acting so weird, Madam Trichley, the matron, came out of her office. Only it wasn't Madam Trichley. This woman was younger than Madam Trichley, who had short-cut white hair and dark hazel eyes. This lady had thin, wispy brown hair that was tied in a knot at the back of her head and dark blue eyes that seemed to capture the light. Her face was also very kind, while Madam Trichley's was always sort of out-there. Even though she was ethereal at times, she was an excellent Healer.

     "Who are you?" I asked, eyeing her warily. "Where's Madam Trichley?"

     She looked at me with the same look that Teddy and James had given me moments earlier, her navy eyes full of confusion and concern. "Are you alright dear?" she asked, " I don't know a Madam Trichley. I am Madam Pomfery, the matron here." Now it was my turn to give a confused look. "Do you remember what happened to you?"

     Still wondering where Madam Trichley was I told them all I remembered. "I was running from Al and Scorpius because we threw some water balloons at them and I hid in this room with lots of shelves and books and things and I touched a cabinet-" The pain in my head spiked once again and I groaned, holding my head in my hands.

     "Oh dear, do you have a headache?" Madam Pomfery asked. I refrained from saying "Obviously", but managed to get out a strangled "yes". 

     "Well, I have a potion here for you. It should help." She handed me a glass full of an olive green potion that bubbled slowly.

     "Just to warn you: it tastes like rotten worms!" James said cheerfully.

     "I don't doubt it." I grumbled as I drank it down, shuddering at the foul taste and dry-swallowing a couple times to make sure I didn't cough it back up. Needless to say, I was extremely thankful for the pumpkin juice Madam Pomfery handed me to wash the revolting taste out of my mouth. The pounding in my head became a dull ache, then disappeared completely. I sighed in relief.

     "I think you might have a concussion." Madam Pomfery said, studying me with a critical eye. "It appears that you have been hallucinating."

     I gaped at her. "What are you talking about? I think I would know if I was having hallucinations!" I said angrily. Who was this woman anyway? "I just had a bad headache is all." she looked at me skeptically.

     "Honestly! Come on James." I appealed to my brother. "Don't I pull pranks on Al all the time - I mean you did it often enough." He looked at me with a bemused expression.

     "What are you on about?" he asked, looking genuinely confused. "Who the bloody hell is Al and how do you know my name?"

     I was utterly bewildered. 'It must be some stupid joke they're playing.' I thought. Though if it was, it was a pretty feeble one. I mean, he's my brother for goodness sake. "Come off it James, quit your stupid jokes. You should know Al - he's your brother after all; or have you decided to avoid him for the rest of your life? Of course, Mum won't be too happy about that." he looked utterly perplexed. Well he was a good actor...

     I turned to Teddy. "Come on Teddy, tell James to call of the joke. It's annoying and pointless."

     "My name's not Teddy." he said, looking at me warily. "It's Remus. Remus John Lupin." I could feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head. That was Teddy's father's name. Teddy's dead father. I remembered Teddy and my dad talking about how he'd fought in the First and Second Wizarding Wars.... The First and Second... The First...... Oh my Gringotts.

     "What year is this?" I asked, trying and failing to keep the apprehension out of my voice.

     "1976." James answered, looking questioningly at me.

     It was too much to take in. I fainted, falling into blackness once again.



Yes, questioningly is a word. :) I actually had to look it up to make sure... :P

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Bye Readers!!! :D 

~Megan <3

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