Chapter 3: Part 1

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4 months have passed and Mizuna and Raditz have been hanging out a lot and going out on missions together. During these 4 months, changes in King Vegetas behavior have turned for the worst, even towards his own family. Mizuna and Raditz both come back from their mission, both smiling. Mizuna walks up to her father. "Hello father."

King Vegeta looks at them. "Did you get the right item that I asked for?"

Raditz kneeled before him and gives him the item. "Here you go, sir."

King Vegeta gets up, and puts his foot on Raditz's head with a irritated look on his face and starts pushing his head into the floor, making Raditz scream in pain. "I also demand you quit coming to visit my daughter, you filthy low class scum!"

Mizuna looks at her father, pissed. "Father, quit!"

King Vegeta evil smiles and looks at Mizuna. "This is your so called friend, right? Save him and you're kicked out of the castle, brat!" He still proceeded to beat on Raditz.

Mizuna started crying. "Leave Raditz alone." She says while looking down with tears and her power starts raising rapidly.

King Vegeta looks at her. "What are you going to do, Mizuna? Kill me?"

Mizuna looks up and her aura are a bluish green, exactly like a super Saiyan. "I said...LEAVE RADITZ ALONE!!" She powers up, making a huge crack beneath her, going super Saiyan. "You're not about to kill my only friend for your own amusement you monster, and if not having a home means keeping my friend safe... Then so be it." She shoots a powerful blast, sending King Vegeta flying back and she grabs Raditz, holding her in her arms. "Are you ok?" She asked, looking at him.

He nods. "I'm fine." He then notices her good enough. "W-Wait a minute... Are you the legend that even Frieza fears?"

Mizuna looks confused. "What do you mean?"

Raditz smiles. "You're a super Saiyan!"

Mizuna looks. "I know I am."

King Vegeta looks scared, seeing his own daughter as a super Saiyan before him. "N-no! You can't be!"

Mizuna vanishes by him. "I'm going to let you live for now father, but just know I will be back for your throne eventually." She kicks him into the wall with Raditz still in her arms and she vanishes to her favorite spot to train, setting Raditz down and starts to train.

Raditz sits up and watches her train. "You never cease to amaze me, Mizuna." He thinks in his head

3 hours pass and Mizuna passed out and deformed from how hard she trained and Raditz goes, picking her up. He then takes her back to his house and goes in. "Hey sweetie. How was your mission with Mizuna?" Gine asked, then notices Mizuna in Raditz's arms. She then looks worried. "Is Mizuna ok, Raditz?"

Raditz looks at Mizuna then at Gine. "Yes mother, she'll be fine, jeez." He then takes her to his room, setting her on his bed.

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