Chapter 2: Part 1

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A year passed and mizuna just got done with her training against her parents and she slowly gets up off the ground and she's bleeding and panting. "I-I won't give up here... I want to make the both of you proud one day!"

Both of her parents look at her in shock and disbelief. "Sweetie, you fought your hardest against both of us. Your father and I are both proud parents. You'll die if we keep going." King Vegeta nods. "Your mother is correct, Mizuna. I don't want you pushing yourself too hard."

Mizuna softly growls while standing there and looking at both of her parents. "N-no! I want to train more and learn more techniques from both of you that'll make me a great fighter!"

King Vegeta walks over to her and he put his hand on Mizuna's shoulder gently, then punched her in the gut, knocking her out. "My sweet daughter, I'm sure you'll make your mother and I proud in more ways then you can imagine. Just rest. It'll be ok."

Mazona looks at King Vegeta, smiling. "She definitely has your stubbornness."

King Vegeta looks away. "Shut up woman!" He says a bit embarrassed, while picking Mizuna up and he starts walking back to the castle, with Mazona by his side.

A couple hours pass and Mizuna wakes up in her room. "H-how did I get back here?" She then looks at her wounds, that were still there but slowly healing. "I must've gotten hurt that badly." She smiles. "Damn, my parents are strong fighters." She gets up, still in pain a little bit and she walks to the throne room and a guard goes and kneels before her. "Princess Mizuna, you're awake." He says

Mizuna looks at him. "Did father send you?"

The guard nods. "He wanted me to tell you him and your mother are in a meeting and to take it easy for today."

Mizuna just sighs and crosses her arms. "Whatever, I'll do it. Is there anything else I should know? I'm gonna go take a walk through the kingdom. Just come get me when they're back. I wish to speak with both of them."

The guard nods while still kneeling. "Will do."

Mizuna just looks at him with her arms crossed still. "You may go now."

The guard leaves and Mizuna walks through the doors of the castle.

She walks through the kingdom and a couple of males charge at her from behind, catching her off guard. "Got her!" One of them said.

Mizuna weakly gets up and looks at both of the guys, annoyed. "It's obvious I have these damn injuries and the 2 of you old men have the nerve to attack the princess like that? I should tell father when he gets out of his meeting."

The both of the guys look at her, shocked. "Y-you're the queens daughter?!" One of them says.

Mizuna softly smirks and nods. "Yes I am. Kneel before me or I'm telling your king what you did, and he won't be happy! I assure you!"

The both look scared and they kneel before her.

Mizuna laughs a little. "I have to admit, both of you are humoring me. Guess I won't be telling my father after all."

"A-anything else princess?"

She thinks, then looks at them. "Go fetch me something to drink and a snack."

They both go get what she requested then comes back, giving it to her.

Mizuna takes it. "That's all, but you 2 will still have a punishment. Not from your king but from me."

The both of the guys prepare themselves.

Mizuna jumps up, punching both of them in the gut and both of them wither in pain. "Mess with me again and I'm telling father so he can give both of you a more serious punishment." She then walks off with her arms crossed again. She then turns around with her scouter on and activates it. "No wonder they're like that. They're still fairly weak." She then continues to walk off and a long haired Saiyan boy that looks a year younger then her walks up to her. "You're the princess, huh? I like your style. Like a true Saiyan."

Mizuna looks at the boy, a bit disgusted. "Haven't you learned your manners, kid?"

The boy looks at her and his eyes go wide for a second. "Oh, right. Sorry." He bows.

Mizuna smiles a bit. "Better. What's your name?"

"My name is Raditz."

She then gets a curious look on her face. "Raditz, huh? Isn't your mothers name Gine? I've heard a lot about her."

Raditz looks a little confused. "That's weird, not everybody knows much about her."

"So your mother is her. Interesting. I wish to meet her one day. I heard she's really nice."

Raditz nods. "As you wish, princess. What brings you out here?"

She shrugs. "I got done doing training with mother and father and I'm just doing something to pass the time."

The guard soon approaches Mizuna. "Princess Mizuna, your parents are back from the meeting."

Mizuna smiles. "Perfect." She then looks at Raditz. "Bye Raditz."

Raditz waves bye.

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