|| I bought you carnations, now will you forgive me? ||

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Credit: whywyattoleff on Tumblr

Pairing: Victor x Reader

"Don't touch me, asshole!"

Victor let out a soft hiss as she smacked his outstretched hand away from grabbing her arm. His pale skin stung, but he'd experienced worse before.

"What the fuck, (Y/n)?" He growled and she let out a bitter laugh.

"Just leave me the fuck alone, Victor. Don't even come near me until you figured out what you did to piss me off."

He watched her storm off, ignoring the low whistle behind him.

"Wow, dick wasn't good enough?"

"Fuck off, Patrick."

Victor snarled before storming off, the sound of Patrick's obnoxious laughter left in his wake.

There was one disadvantage to being part of the "Bowers Gang", and that was the fact that none of them knew how to properly treat a girl. The only person who could provide decent advice that didn't allude to sexual harassment was Belch, and even his advice was only from what he's seen in movies.

"Maybe some flowers or something, don't chicks like flowers?"

And well, even though Victor had been contemplating whether or not he wanted to push aside his pride to buy his (ex? He wasn't sure) girlfriend some flowers, something told him they'd only be ripped apart and thrown into the trash. He had shuddered at the thought of public embarrassment and quickly tossed the idea aside.

Maybe, for the first time in a long time, he'd have to use his head. She always said he had a good one on his shoulders, but he had never went out of his way to use it. Now would be the time.

He stared at her from his spot between Henry and Belch next to the lockers, watched her laugh with her friends and brush her hair behind her ears the way he liked the most. He never let her do it when he was around, because he always wanted to be the one brushing his fingers over her supple cheeks, feeling her hair between his digits as he tucked loose strands back into place.

He shook his head and ignored the snort coming from his right where Henry stood.

"Your girl still pissed at you?"

Victor let out an almost defeated sigh and nodded, gently massaging his temples as she disappeared into her sixth-period classroom. He was trying to figure out when it all started. When did she start to become irritable, when did she start ignoring him or start wanting to punch him in the face?

Damn it. Maybe he was supposed to have a good head on his shoulders, but he couldn't think of a damn thing that would make her explode like that on him. And if that were the case, then his head was fucking useless.

He groaned and his friends rolled their eyes at him before continuing to scan for their new target. Patrick seemed to acquire one first when he grabbed some random boy's backpack and threw him up against the lockers.

Victor reluctantly held the thirteen-year-old kid's arms and let Henry and Patrick tear him apart.

Damn it. What did he do wrong?

"Maybe you should forgive him? He's been staring at you like a lost puppy for almost a week now. I can't believe Victor Criss actually listened to you and didn't come near you for this long, honestly."

"If by lost puppy, you mean an aggravated kitten, then yes, that is the way he's been looking at me the entire week."

(Y/f/n) rolled her eyes, turning to glance at the male who still had his gaze fixed on the girl who was shoving books into her backpack. (Y/n) slammed her locker shut and swung her bag over her shoulder, sighing softly.

Victor Criss x Readers/OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora