|| A crush or a chemical reaction? ||

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Credit: patrichockstetter on Tumblr

Y/N had never paid much attention to Victor Criss, with the exception of when she rushed past him and his infamous gang of vicious, dangerously unhinged friends to not attract their very unwanted attention. He had always kind of faded into the background for her; He could be almost as cruel as Henry when he was in the company of the rest of the bullies, terrorizing some poor freshman, but he never seemed to initiate anything or go after kids on his own.

Victor was just kind of there when he was alone; Not friendly at all, but not really hostile. He didn't even seem to talk to anybody besides his friends or to grunt some answers to teachers asking him why he was late.

That had all changed now, however. Ever since approximately 8:16 on that rainy Monday in September.

It had all started with just a few hours earlier that day in that stupid chemistry class. It was Y/N's dreaded first hour, and it always seemed to drag on forever. None of her friends were in that class, so she couldn't even spend the hour gossiping with them. Instead, she usually just tried to make time go faster by doodling in her lined notebook or scanning the room for someone who was as bored as her.

This lesson seemed unusually boring, as the dinosaur-aged teacher drawled on and on about states of matter and intermolecular forces. Jesus Christ, when would she ever use this? As she let her eyes roam across the room in sheer apathy, she stopped when she realized a certain blonde boy had met her gaze. Victor Criss had been staring at her? When she realized he was looking at her she quickly turned her eyes back down to the unstructured notes she had taken in her book, feeling her cheeks heat up. What could he possibly want from her? She was about 95% convinced he was still resting her eyes on her, and it took all the willpower she had in her to not look back up to check if her intuition was right.

The lesson seemed to actually go by impossibly fast as she furiously scribbled down incomprehensible notes and kept her eyes locked on the blackboard, actually listening to what the teacher said for once. She refused to pay a thought to the way Victor's eyes seemed glued to her presence.

As the bell rang, she sighed in relief and immediately stood up; Unfortunately, she had stood up a little too fast, and knocked down her notebook from the narrow desk. As she quickly reached down to pick it up, eager to get out of the claustrophobic classroom, she felt her hand collide with someone else's. And when she looked up, she looked up into a pair of big, brown eyes. Victor Criss picked her book up and handed it to her, an unreadable expression on his pale face.

"T-thank you", the girl managed to stutter out, her cheeks inevitably heating up again as she rushed out of the room with her books clutched to her chest, not being able to get the image of a certain bleach blonde-haired boy out of her mind.

Bad idea, Y/N. Bad fuckin' idea. He's friends with Henry Bowers, for god's sake! You're asking for trouble.

As the day went on, she continued trying to push the thoughts of Victor out of her head. There was no idea in even entertaining the thought of a crush on him; She couldn't afford wasting her time and affection on a boy who 1.) spent his time hanging with boys who enjoyed terrorizing 14-year-olds and 2.) probably wasn't even remotely interested in her.

She got her second shock of the day after the bell to her last hour had rang and she stood by her locker, stuffing her textbooks in her backpack and desperately looking for the $5 bill she had planned to spend on a birthday gift to her friend. When she finally found it she slung her now-heavy backpack over her shoulder and turned around, only to stand face to face with Patrick Hockstetter. She gulped hard as the tall boy grinned down at her. What could he possibly want?

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