Chapter Fifteen: Tech Support.

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A/N: Hello, readers. Are people still reading this book? Probably not. It's been a whole ass year since I've updated. Enjoy the chapter!

edited on march 27th, 2021 @ 11:02am




I WAS WEARING A GREEN hoodie as I followed Brody to our student, Emma. Who was currently helping Principal Hastings and the receptionist. "Hey Emma,  ready for your karate lesson?" Brody asked.

"Almost..." Emma replied. "And... There. All done!"

"Let me get this straight... everything that's in these... is now in there?" The receptionist asked.

"Yep. I built a program that consolidates the school's database. Just type in what you're looking for... no more searching through giant folders." Emma responded.

I whistled lowly, impressed. "And I'm lucky enough if I can do my math homework correctly. I absolutely hate math..." I thought.

"Woohoo!" The receptionist cheered, high fiving Emma.

"Well Emma I will remember this when I'm deciding the winner of the school's technology trophy." Principal Hastings informed, throwing the folders in the bin.

"Great. Thanks!" Emma said.

"Wow! You're quite the whiz kid, Emma." Brody commented as I followed the two.

Brody, Emma, and I were at the docks as we were practicing sword fighting.

"Ok, raise that sword up a little bit." Brody said, fixing her stance. "Yeah, strong stance. Now raise the sword above your head and swing with power!"

Emma did just that, letting out a grunt as she did so. "Ha ha! Yes, I did it! I'm getting really good at this!" She cheered.

"Uhhhh... maybe we'll practice that move a little more next time. We better finish up." Brody stated.

"Thanks so much, Brody. You as well, Trent. You two are doing me a big favor." Emma told us. "One day, I'll be fighting as good at fighting as the Power Rangers."

"Oh, really? Well, that's a great goal." Brody said, giving me the look. I just chuckled at her statement as Brody drank his water.

"I wonder what her reaction would be if she knew she was being trained by two Power Rangers." I think to myself.

"Anything I can do for you, Brody? What about you, Trent?" Emma questioned.

"Nothing I can think of, but I'll let you know." I replied, grabbing my things.

"Actually, my phone's been kinda glitchy lately. If you have time, do you think you could take a look?" Brody asked.

"Yeah. No problem." Emma answered, following Brody and I as we left.

"So, every time I open up this app, the whole thing freezes up—" Brody was explaining to her. He was interrupted by a monster coming in front of us.

"Surprise!" Typeface shouted.

Brody had fallen back while I got into a fighting stance.

"Prepare to be deleted!" Typeface exclaimed as he laughed.

"Quick! Get to safety, Trent and I will be right behind you!" Brody said.

I had to hold back a snort. We needed Emma to get to safety so Brody and I could morph. Emma just nodded as she ran off.

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