Chapter Nineteen: Doom Signal.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Only one more episode left to go and then the epilogue! Enjoy!

edited on april 8th, 2021 @ 2:48pm




I WAS WEARING A GREEN hoodie with a black flannel over it as my father stopped in front of Dane's truck. "This is embarrassing." I muttered as my dad looked at me.

"Give me a break, Trent. I haven't spent time with you in ten years." Jeremiah told his son.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm just so used to driving to school by myself." I said before grabbing my backpack and opening the passenger seat. "Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it." I added, closing the door and meeting up with Brody and Levi.

"What's going on today?" Dane questioned.

"Some TV show is holding auditions at our school. Apparently, whoever gets picked will be super rich and famous." Brody answered.

"Yeah. Our friend, Hayley, is trying out." Levi added.  "We gotta go."

"Have a great day." Dane said.

"See you tonight, Dad." Levi said. "Looks like it already started."

We entered the school. "All right, guys, coming through. Excuse me. Sorry, ma'am." Levi apologized as we moved through the crowd.

"So did we miss it?" Levi asked.

"Nope. You're just in time. Calvin is the only one who's late as usual." Hayley answered. "He was supposed to help me rehearse an hour ago."

Calvin then came running. "Hey. Hey. I'm sorry." He said, kissing Hayley's cheek. "My car was having engine troubles. I had to fix it before I could leave."

"You could've got a taxi." Hayley told him. "I needed your help. Did you at least bring my props?"

"Your props? I left them right by the front door..." Calvin trailed off as he realized something. "And then I forgot."

"I'm sorry, Hayles. I'm sure you're gonna be great without them." Calvin said. "It's just one little audition anyway."

"Actually, it's a pretty big deal. They say the show's gonna air worldwide." Preston informed.

"Preston." Calvin whispered, trying to get him to stop talking.

"He's right. And maybe I'd be less nervous if someone had helped me." Hayley said.

"But I'm—" Calvin began.

"Next. Number 146." The TV producer announced.

"That's me." Hayley stated as we all gave her words of encouragement.

"This is a scene from Romeo and Juliet." Hayley said as she began. "Romeo, Romeo, I drink this potion to be with you." She said, pretending to drink a potion before falling to the ground.

"Thank you, thank you. Now move along. We're on a tight schedule." The TV producer said.

Hayley chuckled. "Okay. Thank you." She said, getting up as the crowd clapped for her.

"I think I did well. Right?" Hayley asked us as we all congratulated her.

"Next, number 147." The TV producer announced.

Victor and Monty both stepped up to the stage. "We will now be performing a highly dramatic scene portraying life and death." Victor said as Monty set down the bed.

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