Harry vii: i love you

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Harry walked into a pool of blood.
It was all too familiar.
A crying boy. Curses flung around. Writing in a book: for enemies.
"Draco..." Harry whispered, dropping to his knees next to him. "I'm so sorry. We can save you. It's going to be ok. You can't die on me. I don't hate you. I regret nothing, Draco. It's ok. We can help you. Tell me you're alive. You'll be fine." He shook Draco. No response.
What the hell did I do? I caused this. Wake up. Please...
"I don't care what you say. I'm not letting you die. Not now."
Not ever.
I didn't..
"Even tell you...."
I love you.
"I love you."
"I don't care about anyone else. I love you. Wake up. You can't die on me," Harry buried his face in Draco's blood-soaked shirt. He muttered a healing spell. "Wake up." Tears. Another healing spell, to no avail.
"Please." Pain in his scar.
"I didn't get to tell you I love you." Blood on his face. Not his. Harry pressed a kiss to Draco's cold lips.
"Wake up. Stay with me."
I can't lose you.
Blood and tears mixed together on his hands. Someone walked into the room. "Touched as we all are by that display of affection, Mr Potter, I think we can all agree it's time you were shut up for good."
"Yes, yes. Now get up."
Harry rose, hands shaking. "Look what you've done. Killing me won't change anything."
Harry fired a curse, which Lucius blocked easily.
"It will. You must die. You and your bloody scar are too good. Saint Potter needs to finally become the martyr he was always meant to be." Madness flickered in Lucius's eyes. Harry truly realised how insane Lucius was in that moment.
You can't fight this man with reason.
You have to follow his rules.
I die, he saves Draco.
I've done it before, I'll do it again.
Sorry Draco. I need to save you.
"Save him. I'll die happily then."
"Of course. Draco has not received his whole punishment yet."
Goodbye. I love you.
A spell Harry didn't recognise. Knocked onto the floor. Hit his head. He had seconds before the world went black.
Perhaps it's fitting.
I'm only just older than my parents were when they died.
Next to him, Draco stirred. He stood.
Shaking, wand in hand, he faced his father. Harry's vision spun. "What did you do?" Practically hissed.
"Saved you, son."
"I am not your son."
"Blood runs thicker than water." Curses fired. Lucius took a step back, hurt. The world was going fuzzy. Before darkness took over, Harry heard someone say something scarily familiar. He didn't know who.
"Avada kedavra."
Love you.
Not letting go.

Well, that's the story. Leaving it open ended there. You can make your own mind up about who died etc, most days I don't even know. I was going to give you a happy ending, but where's the fun in that? It's really bad but whatever I may aswell just let the world see it. This was a crazy, unplanned thing, but I'm so glad I wrote it, even though it's really short. I really hope you liked it, and if you did, please consider voting/commenting it absolutely makes my day! This is my first ever fic, so feel free to give feedback on it.
Fanchickshion13 x

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