Harry iv: nightmares

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Draco left him there. Harry apparated home. His lips still stung from that one kiss.
What was that?
Draco's words, 'I'm sorry', stayed with him as he fell into a fitful, tear stained sleep.
He turned corner after corner. Dead bodies. His fault. Cedric, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Dobby, Sirius, Dumbledore, Snape, Colin, every one maimed and bloody. The centre of the maze. Two more bodies. His parents. They stood. "Hello Harry." Then a dark figure knocks them over, and, like paper, they fly away on the breeze. The Dursley's appeared in front of him "FREAK!" They tower over him, forcing him to lean back so far to see their faces he falls over. The ground opens, and Harry falls falls falls falls....
Harry woke up just before his dream-self hit the floor. Shaken, he got a glass of water, and went back to bed. His mind would not sleep, however.
Cho kisses him under the mistletoe. She's crying. Ron says something from behind "You'd think a bit of kissing would cheer her up." Hermione looks at him. "Ronald, let's go home." They leave. Cho walks away. Cedric takes her place. "Thank you for telling me about the first task. Remember me." He leans forward, but his mouth is gone, replaced with teeth and they are so close to Harry's face but a small figure takes the bite for him. Harry curls up, trying to protect himself from the lights in the air. Everything slows down. A figure turns around. Dumbledore. "Wake up, Harry."
           Harry awoke slowly and soon realised he'd overslept. He barely had time to get dressed and grab an apple before he had to run to the Ministry. "You alright, Potter? Look a little rushed." For an insane moment, Harry thought the voice was Draco's, and spun around, only to find it was Percy Weasley. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks Percy. In a bit of a hurry." Percy chuckled. "I could tell. Anyway, see you around."
"You too."
Harry collapsed onto his bed, tie half off.
What a day.
An owl waited for him.
He rushed to rip open the note.
I have arrived safely back at work. Sorry you couldn't see me off, but you can catch me on the way back right? See you soon.
Ginny xx
He owled her back, and fed Barrick. "Take this to Ginny, 'kay?" The brown owl swooped into the distance.
Even after the events of last night, Harry assumed Draco would still meet him at the cafe. He headed out and arrived just before midnight. Draco was already there. Harry sat with him and ordered his usual coffee. "Hi." The blonde did not look well. "Hey."
"About last night-"
"Let's just forget about it? Please?"
"Okay. Whatever you want."
But this isn't what you want, is it Draco?
And I don't know whether it's what I want either.
I'm sorry for being so messed up.
I don't even know why I care about you so much.
They talked. Draco was becoming increasingly worried about his father. Harry worried about him. It couldn't be easy, having that sort of a family. Harry had his own problems, however. He felt his relationship with Ginny was becoming strained. He didn't want to hurt her. She was the one everyone thought he was meant to be with - hell, even he thought he should be with her for most of his life. He didn't want to break up with her. He didn't want to lose her... also, Ron would kill him. But he would be more hurt if Harry lied to Ginny forever. No matter what, no one would leave this situation unscathed.
         They parted ways, trying to ignore the awkward atmosphere. Harry kept working, as he didn't need to go into the Ministry the next day. He eventually fell asleep amongst the papers on his cluttered desk.

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