Harry ii: guilt trip

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Harry shifted from foot to foot as he stood on the almost-empty platform. The world was grey and drizzly, a disappointingly cold September day, the weatherman had called it.
Ginny's train wasn't due for another ten minutes, so he had time to think. He and Ginny has been together for almost two years, had known each other since they were kids. Their relationship was predictable and perfect.
He loved her.
He did.
But how much can I really love her if I cheated on her with Malfoy of all people?
She didn't need to know about last night. It would hurt her, and Harry cared about Ginny.
That's my rule isn't it? Don't hurt people you care about.
Then why am I hurting Malfoy?
Stop. Who said I cared about him?
Me.I wanted to see where we stood, I worried he would get cold on the walk home. I don't regret last night.
Stop. I don't need this right now. It's over, whatever it is.
Then tell him that.
A train rumbled into the platform, and Harry ran forward to grab Ginny's bag. "Hey," She leant forward and kissed him on the cheek. Harry's mind immediately flashed to Malfoy's face, but he ignored that. "How've you been? You haven't owled in ages!" She exclaimed. Harry made a face, "Sorry, work kept me busy this month." Ginny smiled and looped her arm round his waist. "Shall we go? I'm bloody exhausted." Harry could relate to that. No matter how much sleep he got, he was always tired. Laughing, the pair ambled out of the station, through the grey drizzle and back to Harry's apartment.
Watching Ginny spin around the kitchen, dancing to her favourite song, Harry felt so guilty. They were perfect. Life was supposed to be perfect. They were the power couple of the wizarding world. The couple that could withstand anything...or so they said. Ginny was like his best friend, his sister, almost. The last thing Harry wanted to do was hurt her.
Bit late for that now.
He wanted her to have forever with someone who loved her, who made her laugh and could stay with her through anything. He had always thought he was that for her. But, as per usual, Draco Malfoy had made him question everything.
What if we don't end up together?
Ginny was in the bathroom, showering. Harry sat on the tattered couch, white business card in hand.
Should I call?
Just to talk.
We don't have to leave it like this.
We can be friends.
Isn't that what he always wanted?
Even if he was annoying in his ways of showing it?
He's changed so much.
As have I.
Grown up.
Into someone I could see myself being friends with.
I've had enough of this whole 'enemies' thing.
Ginny had gone home hours ago and the apartment was silent. Harry still had ten minutes before he needed to meet Malfoy. Since he lived walking distance from the cafe they had arranged to meet at, he hadn't left. He just stood, staring out of the window into the dark city outside. He loved London. It knew when bedtime was. It followed the rules, but knew when sacrifice was necessary. It accepted the weird, and hid your secrets. As he watched, lights blinked out, one at a time. The city turned pitch black.
It's the witching hour.
More like the wizarding hour.
Very funny.
This cafe was perfect. Trashy, served awful coffee and almost completely forgotten by everyone in the city, muggle or not. Harry wasn't sure why he didn't want anyone to see him and Malfoy, it wasn't like there was anything to see. Although he wasn't sure talking to Malfoy at midnight on a Saturday would do great things for his reputation... He wasn't sure it was the best life decision he had ever made, but they needed to talk without fear of being overheard. He couldn't leave everything on such a confusing note.This had to end.
Does it though?
Is that really why I want to talk to him?

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