Harry v: truth

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Harry tossed and turned, nightmares plaguing him yet again.
Fire licks at his ankles. "IF WE DIE SAVING THEM, I WILL KILL YOU!"
"We're doing this with you."
A body crumples to the floor. The boy dies laughing.
Whispers. "Is Draco alive?"
"He's dead."
A bright white light.
A voice, familiar. "Harry Potter is dead!"
Flashes of light. Green and gold clash.
Pain, sharp and hot. His scar. Snakes. Stones. Cloaks. His parents, smiling, but they speak with Voldemort's voice: "Harry Potter."
A little body, limp in his arms. A grave, facing the sea. Two people saved his life. One died. Broken promises. His scar spreads to his neck, chest, until it swallows him whole.
Pain in his scar, again. Screams.
Harry gripped his forehead.
Dark magic.
He needed to talk to Draco. He only left him a few hours ago.
He will understand.
He picked up the muggle phone again, dialled Draco's number from memory.
"You up?"
"Obviously. The question is, why are you? Nightmares?" Draco sounded groggy.
It's like 4am, he was asleep.
"Yes. You aswell?"
"Yep. Dark magic's been used."
"It has. Who do you think did it?"
"My father. He's escaped."
"How do you know?"
"I just do."
He's right.
"You wanna tell someone?"
"They'll know soon enough. They'll be asking questions if I know too early."
"Okay. Call me if something happens."
I'm worried about you.
"If you say so."
"See you."
"You too." Draco hung up. Harry put the phone back.
May aswell get to work.
Harry picked Ginny up after work. "How's it going?"
"Great! I'm so glad I decided to do this course, even if it does mean I'm away half the time."
"Yeah. I'll be glad when you can be around more."
"Same. Only 6 months now."
"Only?" They both laughed.
Do I want her to be around or not?
Almost  two months passed without Draco hearing from his father. Harry and Draco settled into a routine. Work, dinner (this was when Harry would spend time with Ginny, if she was home), meet. Harry found himself enjoying the blonde's company more than anyone else's. Even though Ron and Hermione were due back from their honeymoon/travelling the world trip in a few days, Harry barely missed them now he had Draco.
And, even though his father was not in Azkaban, he didn't seem to be bothering anyone.
Life was going ok. For once, Harry almost felt like a usual young wizard. It was nice being normal. Maybe things would turn out ok after all. If only he could just figure out what was up with Draco...and why he could never work out what he felt about him. Or, why he cared...
Harry stood in the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. He wiped the steam off the mirror. For a moment, he saw Draco's face stare back at him.
I'm going crazy.
I see him everywhere.
What does this mean?
I meet up with a guy every single day at midnight for two months.
We slept together.
We kissed.
More than once.
I didn't try to stop him.
I told him I trusted him.
I told him it was okay.
Realisation finally struck.
I may be slightly in love with Draco Malfoy.
And I probably always have been.
What have I done...
I've been so oblivious.
I need to tell him.
I need to find out whether he feels the same.
I've got to work it out with him.
I'll tell him tonight.

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