Draco iii: first-name basis

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Potter was already sat, sipping a mug of coffee the size of his head.
How much coffee does he drink?
He didn't look up, just gestured for Draco to sit opposite him. "You want anything?" He muttered. Draco surveyed the crumpled menu and shook his head. He hadn't been very hungry lately. They sat in awkward silence for a moment, before Potter broke the tension: "You ok? You look tired."
"I'm fine. You don't look so great yourself." That almost got a smile out of Potter.
Something's up with him, he's usually so cheerful.
"Seriously. What's wrong?"
"Stop." Draco's voice cracked.
"Stop what?" Potter leant forward and pushed Draco's hair out of his eyes. The touch almost bought Draco to tears. "Caring. Stop caring."
I'm a Malfoy. I fly solo.
This shouldn't be happening.
"I'm not going to stop caring. Never." Potter seemed to actually mean it.
This isn't allowed to be happening.
Draco sighed, and realised Potter's hand was still on his face. He shrugged it off and Potter leant back in his chair, disappointed.
What was that?
He always makes it so complicated.
"So. What's the real reason we're here?"
Way to ruin a moment.
That's the point.
"Well, we still need to talk. And, err, I don't really think we can go back to hating each other."
True. Though I'm not sure I ever hated you.
"Yeah. Friends?"
It has to be like this.
Potter stuck his hand across the table.
Like in first year...except this time we're actually shaking hands.
Draco took it and shook. Potter held on for an awkward moment too long, and they disentangled their fingers hurriedly. This conversation didn't feel over, so Draco called over the dazed-looking waitress and ordered a coffee. This was not the time to fall asleep.
"So, Potter. How'd you get my number in the first place?"
"Business card," Potter produced a small white rectangle from his back pocket, "You left it behind."
The conversation stalled, neither man sure what to say next. The waitress plonked Draco's coffee down in front of him, and promptly returned to her magazine. He took a sip, and shuddered.
This is why I don't drink coffee.
"You not a coffee person, Malfoy? Funny, I thought you would be." Potter seemed amused at this fact.
"Well, you don't know me very well."
"Why's that, you think?"
Because I pretended to hate you for the past 11 years of my life to hide the fact I had a massive crush on you.
I say that like I don't still.
"I'm not very social. Also, I was a brat for most of my childhood. I don't blame you." Potter smiled guiltily.
"I wasn't the best either."
"Never thought I'd hear golden boy say that."
"No, seriously. I'm sorry for being a bit of an idiot."
"You weren't the idiot. I'm sorry too." Seemingly satisfied with the apology, Potter took another sip of coffee and leant forward. "So, what've you been up to the last 4 years?"
"Well, I got a good grade in my potions NEWT, so the Ministry offered me a position in the alchemy department. They only did it to prove that they really were 'moving on' from the war, but it pays the bills. I don't think anyone will ever really forgive me, honestly. I can't even forgive myself, most days."
Why am I telling him all of this?
"You don't sound like alchemy is your favourite thing."
Tactfully ignoring the elephant in that sentence.
"It isn't. But my father did well in potions, so I was always expected to."
"Good thing about bring an orphan - no expectations from parents."
"Don't joke about it. Anyway, what do you do with your days, Potter?"
"Auror training, mostly."
"Surprised they didn't let the boy who lived join straight away." This got a laugh out of Potter. "They couldn't just let me sign up. I only know one spell really."
"But it's the most useful one!"
"Not against the sort of people I'm against."
Yet another uncomfortable silence.
"How's Weasley? Heard he got with Granger."
"Yeah...they're on their honeymoon right now. Just left, actually."
Why's he sad about that?
"You don't sound too happy about that."
Did he like Granger? Or Weasley?!
"Just feel a bit lonely. We spent the whole time together as kids, and what with work and life, we barely see each other."
"You have Ginny."
"But she's away on muggle work experience half the time and..."
And what?
"Mm?" Draco wanted to hear this answer more than he should. "Nothing really. Just don't know whether I feel the way I should feel. She's like a sister...and I don't know whether that's right. Anyway, how's your love life looking, Ferret?"
"Don't call me that. I try to pretend that never happened." They laughed, and Draco continued, "Pretty awful, honestly. Had a couple of people, over the years. Figured out I was not straight, but never found the right one."
"Yeah.." Potter had finished his coffee, and moved onto Draco's untouched mug. "We're young. We have time."
"That's what they all say." This made Potter laugh, he almost choked on his (or, rather, Draco's) coffee. "How's your family? Your mum doing ok?"
I can't lie about this. He deserves to know.
"She's fine. We don't talk much."
"Why's that?"
I have to tell you.
"She let my father get away with it. My whole life."
No tears. Not now.
"I know how it feels." With a start, Draco remembered the overheard stories of the abuse Harry had suffered. "You feel betrayed," Draco started, "Like you might aswell not have been born. Most people's family accept them. When yours doesn't, it's hard to cope." Harry nodded.
We're more similar than I thought.
"You asked about my mother. It's my father that worries me."
Shock registered on Harry's face. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
"He just never was convinced the Dark Lord was gone. Voldemort had him trapped in a power cycle. Do this, you get validation. Do that, I trust you. This will give you power. He's sure all he has to do is kill you and then he will finally fill that hole."
"Oh, ok. You want to tell the Ministry?"
"Not like they'd believe me. I'm Draco fucking Malfoy. No one trusts me."
"I trust you."
"I don't know. You have no reason to hurt me. Maybe it's that. Or the fact you're the first person who understands what I've been through."
"Thanks...I'm not sure you should trust me though."
Harry begins ripping a napkin up. "Why not?"
"Cause I'm a Malfoy."
"I'm not letting your past actions or the actions of your parents dictate my view of you."
"Spoken like a true adult, Harry." Harry leans back, confused. "What? Not ready to be an adult yet? Well, I have a shock for yo-"
"No," Harry breathes. "You called me by my first name."
So I did.
"I can stop, if you want."
"No, it's fine, Draco."
"Hey! I never said it went two ways!"
"An eye for an eye."
"Makes the world blind."
"Fine. It's Malfoy - for now." Harry winked unsubtly.
This is such a bad idea.

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