Draco iv: shooting stars have to hit somewhere

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Draco paced his room nervously. He had asked Harry to go somewhere so random...why? The fairground looked like a broken heart at this time of night, abandoned and empty. Yet he felt this strange need to show Harry this place.
He has to see.
Draco checked the clock: 23:57.
With a crack, he apparated to the entrance to 'Happy Hills Fairground'. Cold September air struck his skin, even through his thick coat. It was one of those rare nights when the sky was clear, and a full moon shone through brightly. A beautiful night for ugly truths.
        Harry walked around the corner, "What is this place?"
"Weird, isn't it?"
"Creepy." Harry shivered.
He didn't wear a coat?
"You're cold. Take my jacket."
"No it's fine.."
"Seriously." Draco handed him the jacket, and Harry wrapped Draco's jacket around himself. "Thanks."
"Let's go." Draco marched through the fairground gates, which were hanging by their hinges, creaking in the still night air.
       He loved this place. It felt like no one could touch him. He was in a place even muggles avoided.
And I have Harry with me.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. I'm still confused about why you bought me here."
"I like it here. It's nice to be alone sometimes. And I spend so much time here, I thought I should show you it."
"Thanks?" Harry let out a nervous giggle. Draco felt a strange need to reassure him: "Don't worry, I won't murder you. We're safe here. I cast wards so no muggle can get in here." Draco continued weaving his way through the empty stalls. He finally reached his destination.
        The Ferris wheel towered over them, a dark shadow of swinging carriages and wires. Draco smiled. He had finally reached his escape route.
         "Come on up!" Draco began scaling the wheel, loving how the cold air felt on his face. Harry followed, in awe at Draco's sureness. He never once missed a foothold, every turn of the climb embedded in his brain.
    They eventually climbed into a carriage high above London. Draco cast a quick spell, and the wheel started to move. "Hey." Harry started the conversation. The car was small, and his body was pressed up against Draco. His face was so close, green eyes not quite meeting Draco's grey. "Hey Potter." A smile. Dimples. "Thought we went by our first names now."
"Why are we in this crazy place?"
"Because I feel like my head clears here. I'm finally alone."
"I'm here."
"That doesn't matter. You're different."
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"Yeah." His hand was so close to Draco's. The stars glittered, clear for a city. "Make a wish, Harry." "You too, Draco."
I have it all right now.
Harry closed his eyes, then opened them, and shifted so he faced Draco. "You didn't answer me properly. Why here?"
"I just need to get away from everyone. No one understands."
"I get you." Harry whispered. So close. Hands touching. Foreheads practically together. Scar running down Harry's face, reminding Draco of his own scars.
Scarred. Both of us.
Shining eyes. Hair flopped over his face. Draco couldn't stop himself. He leant forward and pressed his mouth to Harry's. He smiled into the kiss. Bittersweet. A bad idea.
I have to stop.
It only lasted a moment, but he could feel it on his lips after they pulled away. Harry looked shocked but his eyes shone. He leant forward, "Draco..."
Tears ran down Draco's cheeks.
I fucked up.
We all knew it was going to happen.
I can't do anything right.
"I'm sorry." He jumped off the Ferris wheel and apparated in midair.
The second he got home, he sent a letter.
I'm sorry about that. Can we just be friends?
Then he collapsed onto his bed, and fell into a dreary sleep.

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