Chapter 16 Smells Like Team Spirit

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Rosetta P.O.V

I woke up feeling weird. My head hurt and my legs felt stiff. I had set up camp in the middle of the forest by a little pond. Its quiet here and tranquil, so I wanted to stay here to get my mind off things. Especially last weeks contest. I didn't stay for the whole thing. After I lost, I walked off the stage, packed up my things, and left. I was too sad to stay.

I've been traveling and training with Fennekin. I wanna make some more cool new combinations. Then when I battle May again, she won't know what's coming! No more living in the past! Time to show some team spirit!


After my rather motivational speech this morning, me and Fennekin began to travel again. I took out my Pokegear and checked the map.

"Great!" I exclaim. "There should be a small town right over this mountain, Fennekin ."

"Fen!" it replied. Its probably just as happy as I am to finally see some civilization. As we continued toward the mountain, I heard someone scream "Look out!"

Before I could register in my brain what had happened, a Pokémon crashed into me. I fell hard on the ground and it felt like I broke something. Man, that Pokémon must be really powerful.

I opened my eyes to see what had hit. To my surprise, it was only a Chespin. Then a boy with dark hair and brown eyes came running toward us. He was wearing a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath with jeans. He looked about my age.

"Oh man, I am so sorry. I had no idea you were here!" he quickly apologized. He grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me up.

"No its OK. I'm fine, thanks" I recover

He sighed. "That's a relief. Me and my Chespin were training and I was trying to get it to learn Tackle. But instead it uhh... tackled you." He scratched his head and laughed nervously.

"Anyway, my names Joshua but you can call me Josh. I'm from Cyllage City" he introduced

"Nice to meet you and I'm Rosetta from Vanville town."

"Rosetta? That's a pretty name." he said looking dazed. I waved my hand in his face and he jumped back looking startled then embarrassed.

"Sorry that I might seem weird and for kinda tackling you earlier Rosie." Josh said. Did he just call me "Rosie"?

I was about to address the subject until he said "Why don't I make it up to you Rosie. I'll be your travelling guide for a while."

"I can take care of myself, you know" I say while placing my hands on my hips.

"I know that, but its the least I can do for almost squashing you earlier.  So please let me travel with you for a while, Rosie, won't you?" He made this funny looking Lilipup face. I tried to look serious but his face was too funny. I started laughing hard at him.

"Alright, alright, you can come with us. Just stop looking like that." I say

Josh smiles. "The face works on everyone."

"Wait. I'll only let you come if... Fennekin agrees." I say and turn to my Pokémon. "You think we can handle these guys for a while?" I ask

"Fen Fen Fennekin ." it says

"Great! Even though I have no idea what it just said, I'm going to assume it said yes because no can resist 'the face'." He ran off and returned Chespin to its pokeball.

"Let me just get my stuff, Rosie, and we can leave!" he called and ran off. He's definitely crazy...


"Come on this way. It's a short cut" Josh said. We've only been walking for a couple of hours. It got dark really fast and Josh says there's a Pokemon Center nearby, though I don't think he really knows.

"Are you sure?" I ask, though I already l know the answer. He took us through a cave but now this 'short cut' is starting to seem really scary.

"Of course. Don't worry about a thing, Rosie." I was starting to get irritated by him calling me.

"I don't remember saying you can call me that." I state

"That's cause you didn't" he says and winks. I roll my eyes. Sometimes he can be really annoying.

We walked until we got into an opening in the cave. There looked to be a little pond in the middle but there were no Pokemon.

"I wonder where all the Pokemon went." Josh said as if he was reading my thoughts. He stepped into the water for some reason and looked into it.

"Hey Rosie. Come here. There's something in the water." He waved me over and even though I didn't want to, I was curious to see what he was talking about.

When I stepped into the water, it glowed red. It was so strange that I got out of it.

Josh stepped back and looked frightened. "What's happening?!" he yelled

"You think I know?!" I screamed. The water kept getting a deeper red until I realized that water wasn't red, there was something under it that was making it glow.

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