Chapter 2 Pikachu's Dessert!

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Ash P.O.V

I heard a familiar sound that sounded like an earthquake. It rumbled like a tornado.

Man! I'm so hungry...

"Ash, do you need something to eat? Your stomach sounds like a Tauros stampede." Misty said.

"I guess your right" I said, feeling embarrassed

"There isn't a moment when Ash isn't hungry" May said. Again, appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Make fun of me all you want." I say sarcastically and left the two of them standing there. The food here was great, even Pikachu was enjoying himself.

"Is it good, buddy?" I asked.

"Pika Pikachu!" It cheered.

"Would you like some poffins?" a girl with long red hair and a blue dress asked Pikachu.

"Pika!" it said which I assume means yes because it literally snatched the poffin out of her hand.

The girl seemed surprised but then smiled. Probably happy that someone likes her food.

"I'm sorry. Is this Pikachu yours?" She asked.

"Yeah. My names Ash"

"Hello. My name is Rosetta. Nice to meet you"

"So did you make these poffins?" I asked

"Yes, I was trying out a new recipe so I asked Pikachu to try some." She said and looked at Pikachu eating up her poffins like there was no tomorrow.

"Looks like it worked" she laughed.

"All passengers going to Kalos, the ship is about to stop there"

"I guess I'll be seeing you later then" I said and waved goodbye

"Ok bye!" Rosetta called after me but I didn't hear it that well since I was almost off the ship.

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