Chapter 7 New Places, Same Old Faces!

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Ash P.O.V

We continued on our way to Santalune City. I think we're on Route 4. May has been talking the whole time. I mean, she just won't shut up. Her voice is starting to sound really annoying.

We walked literally all day. We didn't really stop for a break. But now, the suns going down.

"I think we should set up camp now" Drew said as if he was reading my thoughts "Its getting late"

"Yeah and I'm starving"  I add

"Why don't we stay over there?" Dawn said and pointed toward a wooded area. I don't see any problems with it.

"Ok" I agreed and everyone else nodded.  We headed over to the area only to find that it was preoccupied by none other than...Paul.

"Paul! What are you doing here?" Dawn asked excitedly

"None of your business" he said his famous catch phrase.

"Come on! You don't have to be so rude!" she said

"You know, I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception." he replied

Ooh burn!

"Look, you guys, stop arguing." Misty said. For some reason, she always breaks up the fights. If it was up to me, I would let them continue.  Dawns face always gets this weird pink color when she's mad and Paul just always looks stupid.

"Paul, can we please camp here tonight" Misty asked.

"Hpmh" was his reply. For those of you who don't know, that means "yes" in Paul language.

We set up our tents and ate dinner. It was silent. No one talked. Maybe because of Paul. Or maybe we were all sick of hearing May talk so much that we all needed a little peace. That night, I talked to Pikachu about our journey so far.

"How are you enjoying our trip, buddy?" I asked

"Pi Pika Pikachu" 

"Me too!" I said. It was getting late. Everyone else was asleep. It was just me and Pikachu, looking at the stars.

I wonder what's gonna happen next. Wonder how the contest will go? Wonder where Rosetta is?

I paused when I thought that question. Why am I thinking about her?

"Hey Ash, you still awake?"

"Oh. Hey Misty. Yeah, we can't sleep"  I say

"I beg to differ on that." she said and looked at Pikachu. It was dead sleep. Perfect.

"Ok, maybe I can't sleep." I say

"Why?" she asked

"I don't know. Just thinking."

"About what?" Man, she asks a lot of questions. Of course, in her case, I was happy to answer them.

"About our journey so far"

"Anything else?" Another question? I decided not to tell her about Rosetta.

"Nope." I lied

"Oh." she said. She sounded a little disappointed, like she wanted me to say something else, but what?

There was this awkward silence that fell between us. I felt like I should say something, but I didn't. Maybe I should tell her that her hair looks nice, though it looks the same everyday. I'm not really good with complementing people especially women. Complementing a guy is different.

"Ash, I have to tell you something." she said ending the silence.


"I umm conpany" she stammered

"Oh well, I love your company too, I guess." I say, feeling awkward. Who says 'I love your company'.

"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Ash!" she quickly ran back to the camp.

That was weird...


I woke the next morning feeling tired, but, more importantly, I was hungry.

"Where's the breakfast?!" I ask

"Ash we were just gonna leave and eat later." Drew explains

"Eat later?! Do you even hear yourself? How could someone possibly 'eat later'?"

"Don't know Ash. Guess you'll have to find out." Gary said and patted me on my shoulder.

"If it helps, Ash, I have some berries" Dawn said in a cheery voice that was annoying me right now

"I don't need your sympathy." I said and stormed off. Even though I don't know where I'm going, its better than dealing with people who don't have any food.


Everyone later forgave me for my little tantrum this morning. I have to admit, I was being pretty petty. I even apologized to Dawn.

We came to a road that split into two different directions. Paul walked ahead of us and turned around.

"I guess this is where we part. It was not really nice knowing you all. I'm not gonna miss you so don't ask. If anything, I'll cry tears of joy that I don't have to see your faces anymore." he said

We all looked at him like he was stupid.

"Umm, Paul, the sign says 'This way to Santalune City' " May said

"Wait, your going to Santalune City, too?!" he sounded more disappointed than surprised. We all nodded

"That means we get to spend more time together!" Dawn said

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" he asked

"Well, yeah" she replied

"Not for me"


Hi. So I've had a lot of time to update because I'm not getting a lot homework! Awesome! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, don't be afraid to vote and comment! Thanks for reading :)

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