The One

857 49 56

July 1997

The tour was spectacular, night's full of screaming fans and music they all loved. It was perfect.

But Roger couldn't lie, it was nice to be home in his own bed (that didn't vibrate), have food that wasn't from a fast food joint, and to finally be off that damn bus.

His mother stayed in their flat while they were away, got back on her feet, and with Rogers help, bought a comfortable house just a few blocks away from Clare and himself. She even helped take care of Freddie's cats, just across the hall.

As for Clare, she was nearly eight months along in her pregnancy and excited for her daughter to be born. Things were great after a long talk with their mother, deciding to move on from the past and work through their issues.

The monster lurking in the shadows since their childhood was gone, as Michael passed away about four months prior. The bad memories were still there, but had been reduced to hazel afterthought. Nothing but faded scars remained.

Roger smiled over at his bandmates from his drum kit. They'd already began recording their sixth album, a more raw sound to this one as their deadline was September!

"You seem chipper today." Freddie grinned over at him. "Did you and Brian shag in the loo?"

Roger chuckled, shaking his head. "No, maybe later though." He shot a quick wink to his fiancé before his smile became innocent once more. "Just happy."

"What, are you pregnant?" John quipped, earning a chuckled from Freddie.

"That's biology impossible, John." Roger rolled his eyes, grinning all the same. "No, I'm just thinking. Our past two records have been amazing and life is just... It's good."

Brian grinned, setting his guitar down and moving towards him before enveloping him in a hug. "Who's a sap now, Rog?"

"Oh, let me live!" Roger chuckled, leaning into his embrace.

"Well, darlings, I think we've done enough damage for the day. Let's all go for a pint, yeah?" Freddie suggested, bringing the fallboard down on his piano.

The other three muttered in agreement, packing up their respective instruments before heading to the door with content smiles on their faces.

Brian smiled down at the blond attached to his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Roger immediately melted into the touch, a goofy grin spreading across his face.

"Love you." Brian smiled, pecking the top of his head.

"Mmm, love you too, clog boy." Roger grinned up at him.

"The clogs again?" Brian rolled his eyes, his voice filled with amusement.

"Bri, you're clacking against the pavement. It'll always be about the clogs." Roger shook his head.

"Fair enough." Brian chuckled, glancing around the streets before pecking his lips. They shared a sweet smile as they made their way into the pub.

Music filled the small room, the familiar atmosphere feeling like home to the four men. The same place they'd gone to as a band for nearly five years. Where they played their first gig together.

Laughing and drinking, they spent the night enjoying each other's company. Discussion of band decisions unheard as they reminisced the night away.

Brian stepped out of the pub hours later, his arm around the man who owned his heart. The warm air surrounded them as they walked the familiar streets, passing by their old flat.

Pausing their steps, Brian gazed up at the building, his gaze settling on the balcony he stood on all those years ago. He remembered the feeling of loneliness, the proclaimation of never loving again and nearly laughed at the mere thought.

He remembered the night with great fondness, despite the heartbreak that it started with, it led to meeting the love of his life. It led to the pretty drummer boy walking into the audition and into his his heart. And by god was the heartbreak worth it.

He felt a warm hand surround his own, a gentle squeeze sending sparks up his arm. Brian smiled down at the smaller man before walking forward, leaving the old building behind.

The wind blew gently across his face as he looked up at the night sky. He still understood the consequences of light pollution, not feeling too disappointed to find that stars were all hidden behind the thick layers of smog above. He didn't need to see them to know the beauty.

He had all he needed by his side, in all his blond-haired, fiery attitude, and toothy smiled glory. The one that against all odds, showed him the thing he held near and to his heart.

Love is real.


This is the end, my friends! (maybe an epilogue later, I haven't decided, let me know if you'd want that!)

This series is my baby and I loved writing every single chapter and all the comments/votes all of you have left! Thank you all for reading and following along on this little journey.

I hope you've all enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Au revoir!

Peace ✌🏻

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