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The next three nights was spent listening to Rogers soft sniffles as he tried his best not to cry loudly.

By the third morning, though his eyes were red and puffy, it seemed like nothing happened. He woke up, went for coffee and and back with four cups.

"Rog?.. Who's the fourth one for?" John asked cautiously.

"Oh. It's for Brian." He said simply, as if it was obvious.

"Well, alright then." John frowned, sharing a worried smile with Freddie.

When a knock came to the door, Freddie stood up to answer it. After a few moments he came back, looking at Roger with a deep frown.

"Brian wants to talk to you..." He  said cautiously.

"Alright." Roger said, grabbing the fourth cup and walking to the door with a face void of any emotion.

"R-Roger... I'm so sorry. Please, can we talk?" Brian's eyes were red and puffy much like Roger's, a distraught look to his face.

Roger stared at him for a few moments before lifting the cup. "I got this for you."

Brian frowned, looking down at the cup before reaching out to grab it.

Before he could wrap his hand around it, Roger threw the warm brown liquid all over the tall man.

"You're so fucking typical, you know that? I knew you'd come here trying to apologize. I don't forgive you, Brian. Not this time." Roger said, tears swimming in his eyes.

Brian took a deep breath, wiping his face off. "I deserved that. I deserve this." Brian swallowed back his tears. "I don't deserve forgiveness and I don't deserve you."

Roger took a shaky breath. "You told me you'd never hurt me. You told me that I was the love of your life." Roger sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the other hotel room.

"So, can we talk?" Brian asked, looking at him with a worried glance.

"Why the hell else would I have brought you here?" Roger scowled at him. "I see you've been drinking." He gestured to the empty bottles scattering the floor.

"That was from last night... Before." Brian sighed, looking down.

Roger frowned, going to a small bag in the corner and grabbing out a pill bottle and throwing it to him. "Take these first."

Brian nodded and took two pain relievers before they sat in silence for what felt like hours, despite it only being a few minutes.

"Roger, I'm sor-" Brian began, his face filled with guilt.

"No. That's not what this is. You need to explain what the fuck happened this week. And I don't just mean you snogging that girl last night. I mean the phone conversation. The fact that you're still in love with her. The fact that you said you were single. The fact that she was here last night. Explain that." Roger was openly crying now, his tough facade quickly deteriorating as tears streaming down his face, a soft pout on his trembling lips.

Brian has to resist the urge to reach and wipe away his tears. He found himself staring into the cold blue eyes, tears beginning to slip down his own cheeks.

"I-I... I should've told you about the phone call. I was... I was afraid you'd leave me if I told you. And what you heard in the car..." Brian sighed. "I'm not in love with her. And after what she did, I don't care too much about her."

"After what she did?" Roger raised an eyebrow, listening to him.

"She kissed me. I was drunk and upset that you were ignoring me. She took advantage of me, Rog. I never would've let her do that if I weren't drunk. I-I figured you were at some pub." Brian said quietly, his eyes dropping to his shoes.

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