Love of My Life, You've Hurt me

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating daily! I've been busy with job hunting shit bc I just quit my job 👌🏻 I've also been writing this specific chapter for four days straight, got halfway through, said "Aw shit, that's too dark" and deleted the whole things (over 2000 words🤷🏻‍♀️). Anyway, this has fluff, smutty IMPLICATIONS, and drama. Loads of drama.

Before I fuck off and continue on, I just want to be clear that this is set in the 90's (as it's based off Sleepless in Seattle which came out in '93) as seen in the tags on the first part and this part. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but it is! Sorry for any confusion!

Alright, carry on~
~November, 1995~

Sunday mornings were Rogers favorite. As much as he loved Queen and making music, Sunday was the day to just rest and recuperate. Plus, he got to lay in bed all morning with the man he loved with nothing forcing him out of bed. It was perfect!

Roger smiled over at the man who was still sleeping peacefully beside him. He leaned foreword and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Roger shook his head at the gentle snores coming from the man and smiled softly. It was mornings like this that helped ease any doubt in his mind. Brian truly loved him. He would never leave him. He would never hurt him.

Roger got up slowly and made his way to the kitchen. He always felt guilty when the traces of doubt filled his mind, Brian has never done anything to intentionally hurt him. Roger trusted him.

Roger sighed softly, starting a pot of coffee. They'd all been on edge lately as their world tour was only two days away, and they left tomorrow. Roger had other things on his mind. Their one year anniversary was next week and they'd be in New York. It was perfect, Brian always seemed to appreciate the city lights.

He poured the coffee into his favorite mug. It was one Freddie had gotten him from Japan, it was bright pink with sparkles, "Like your shoes, darling!", and the word "BITCH" in bold letters. He wondered how many people bought it not knowing English, the thought made him chuckle. Freddie said it was the gayest thing in the shop, and it only felt right to buy for him.

Brian and Roger were by themselves this weekend, as Freddie decided to visit his family with John. He was glad to have a bit of alone time, especially since when they're on tour, they'll never be alone.

Roger watched the birds sitting on the small balcony as he stirred milk and sugar (you can guess the measurements for the sugar) into his coffee.

"You're up early for a Sunday." He heard a soft voice behind him say, when he turned around he was faced with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. "Good morning, love." He said, kissing his forehead gently.

"I just got a bit in my head about the tour." Roger smiled softly at him.

"You'll be wonderful, as you always are." Brian grinned, stepping into the kitchen to begin breakfast.

"Oh, stop it, you!" Roger beamed. "Actually, keep going. How wonderful am I again?" He smirked, walking over to the tall man and leaning on the counter.

"Fishing for compliments this morning, I see." He chuckled, shooing him away with his hands.

"Aw, Bri! Take the bait!" Roger laughed, wrapping his arms around Brian's middle from behind the guitarist.

"I don't think I should inflate your ego anymore, love." Brian joked, turning around to press his lips to Rogers. "You're beautiful."

Roger smiled softly at him, melting at the gentleness of his voice.

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