Love Is Us

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DECEMBER 4, 1996

Roger sighed as he rolled over and looked at the empty side of the bed. He felt his heart break slightly as he gazed into the vast nothingness next to him.

He pushed his bad thoughts away. He'd see Brian tonight. His life didn't depend on the curly haired man, of course it didn't, but that didn't mean his absence didn't hurt. Roger had gotten so used to the guitarists body next to his again that he didn't quite know what to do with him gone.

By the morning, he opened his eyes and stared at the spot for two hours. He sighed at his overall creepiness.

"Darling?" He heard Freddie knock. "Darling, it's two in the afternoon, are you still sleeping?"

"No, I'm up." Roger sighed, crawling out of bed and to the door. "I'm not going, Fred." He said upon opening the door.

"What? Don't be ridiculous. Take a shower and I'll pick out your clothes. And for god sake, do your hair!" Freddie attempted to fix the knotty mess on the drummers head.

"Why? I've met his mother before!" Roger huffed, dragging his feet to the bathroom. "I'm not good with parents!"

"Darling, my parents like you! Well, my mother likes you!" Freddie crossed his arms.

"Both of my parents like you!" John yelled from the kitchen.

"See? The Deacons like you. That's the highest honor." Freddie said, pushing a towel into his arms. "Shower, brush your teeth, and fix your hair. I'll get your clothes and then we're leaving!" He grinned and pushed him into the bathroom fully before shutting the door.

Freddie quickly slipped into the kitchen after collecting the clothes. "Poor dear has no clue."

"Isn't that a good thing?" John asked, looking up from his tea.

"Well, yes. But a sad Roger is a million times worse that an angry Roger. Sad Roger makes a sad Freddie." Freddie sighed, putting the outfit on the table. "He makes that face and his eyes go all big, he looks like a kitten that just got kicked in the throat."

"You're adorable, Freddie." John smiled and pecked his cheek. "Don't be sad, he'll be happy soon."

Freddie smiled and leaned into his kiss before pecking his lips. "You're right." He grinned. "It's so hard to keep it from Roger! But Brian would kill me if I said anything."

"Keep what from me?" Roger crossed his arms, an annoyed look on his face. "What are you keeping from me?"

"Nothing, darling! Just a birthday present!" Freddie lied lamely.

"My birthday is in July." Roger scoffed, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. "If you don't tell me, I'm not going."

"Ugh, you're such a brat." Freddie rolled his eyes. "Fine. Brian is getting you a dog."

Roger nearly dropped his mug. "What? No! We can't get a dog! We're about to go on tour!" He said, a worried look on his face. "Did he get them yet?"

"No, but you can tell him tonight when we get to his mum's house." Freddie waved it off. "Here, get dressed." He handed him the clothes, earning a confused look.

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