Chapter Thirteen

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Two weeks later

I opened my eyes after a much needed nap to find myself all alone, once again. I felt some relief.. Until my phone suddenly vibrated.

I looked down, and grew confused. "We need to talk..." was all that appeared on my screen. Then I finally realized who sent it.. Cameron. Then, I grew slightly worried.

A minute later, my phone rang. It was him.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi.." He said quietly.

"So.. What do we need to talk about?" I asked after a minute of silence.

"Um... A few different things.. It's very important, Taylor.."

"Okay.. So, what?"

"Not on the phone, okay? I'd much rather talk in person.."

"Oh.. Alright. When?"

"Could you meet me in an hour in the park?"

"Of course.. I'll be there."

"Alright. Well, I gotta get going, okay?"

"Okay.. Bye." I said before hanging up.

What could be so important that he had to talk to me in person, I thought to myself. Then, my thoughts began to scare me...

My wrist began to sting badly.. Clearly, an infection had started to set in. It was all red and each cut was raised. It hurt badly. I just looked at it and smiled. I decided to add a little more. I began to enjoy the pain..


I heard something come crashing down, as I walked inside. As far as I knew, Taylor was the only one there..

"Taylor?" I shouted. "Taylor! Where are you?"

There was no response.. As I continued to search for her, I grew more and more worried. Where could she be? Finally I came to the bathroom.. The light was on inside and I heard running water. Cautiously, I opened the door... And, there she was on the ground with blood all over.. Her one arm was lined of cuts. There was a razor blade on the counter.

"OH MY GOD." I let out when I realized what had taken place..

I grabbed my phone quickly and dialed 9-1-1.

Someone on the other line started to talk, but I couldn't make out the words they were saying.. I couldn't hear a thing. My mind was going crazy.. After a few minutes, I managed to spit out, "My friend.. On the ground.. Blood.. Everywhere.. Cuts.. Blade.." I still couldn't comprehend a thing being said to me. I was in a state of shock... I got off of the phone.

A few minutes later, her phone rang. Cameron. I decided that I needed to tell him what happened.

"Hello?" I said.

"Olivia?" He asked.


"Where's Taylor? She was supposed to meet me fifteen minutes ago."

"Yeah.. That's not happening."

"What? What are you talking about? Is she okay?"

I grew silent..

"What happened? Where is she?" He asked.

"Um.. She-she's.. A.. Uh.. She's-" was all I managed before someone ran in.

"What's your friends name?" They asked.

"..Taylor. Taylor Parker."

"Who are you talking to?" Cameron asked, sounding worried.

"The paramedic..." I managed.

"WHAT? WHY? WHAT'S WRONG?" he shouted.

"Who are you on the phone with?" The paramedic asked.

"Her boyfriend."

"Here.. Can I talk to him?"

I handed her the phone.

"Hello. You're Taylor's boyfriend?" She paused.

"Yeah.. Her friend found her unconscious in a pool of her own blood flowing from a series of cuts on her left arm and a razor blade by the sink.." She paused again.

"We're taking her to the hospital right now. If you'd like, you could go see her there."

"Mhm.. Yes.. Yeah.. Alright. Goodbye."

Around twenty minutes later, we were there.. So was Cameron. He was sitting in the lobby with his head down. He looked a wreck... I walked toward him. He looked up. His face was all red and tear stained. I hugged him.

"She's gonna be alright.." I said, lying to myself. I figured, it would be for the best to get him thinking more positively, so what if I didn't. He shook his head.

"How did I not realize anything was wrong? How? If I did, this wouldn't have happened! She'd be perfectly fine right now!"

"Don't blame yourself.." I said.

Someone walked out and over toward us.. "You may come back, if you'd like." He nodded and followed her, as did I.

When he looked at her, he started crying uncontrollably. He sat beside her. "Taylor.. I love you. I love you so freaking much. Why.. Why would you do this to yourself? Why couldn't you just talk about whatever was bothering you instead? I can't help, but blame myself when I look at you.. I could've prevented this. I know it.. I feel like I wasn't listening to you well enough... I just hope you get better soon... Please. I love you more than anything in the world and I hope you realize that, okay? You're the most beautiful girl out there. I know you hate when people call various people or things perfect, but you-you are pretty freaking close to it.. I love you so much." He said.

I felt so bad for him.. After seeing how upset he was, I almost felt guilty for feeling upset..

After nearly three hours, she opened her eyes and looked around.. She looked confused. Cameron looked up at her.

"Who are you?" She asked him, looking confused.

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