Chapter Seven

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Megan and Selena traveled to a different state.. I was creeped out, majorly. I knew they would do anything to get at me, but I wasn't expecting that..

"Um, hey, people." I uncomfortably said.

Cameron was the first to answer me, "Hey there, beautiful."

I blushed. Ah, I had almost completely forgotten about Megan and Selena who were glaring at me..

"Oh, hello there, Cameron."

He put his arms around me, making everything feel perfect, & like my two worst enemies weren't staring me down at that moment.

Minutes later, Olivia was walking over.

"Hey guys."

"Hola," I said, while everyone else said, "Hey" or "Hi."

We all began a short conversation, it included Megan and Selena.. It ended when Megan and Selena started acting how I was first expecting them to, rude and saying plenty of things they didn't need to..

"What the heck is wrong with you, freak?" I could hear Selena say.. It was directed at me.

"With me? Nothing. With you? Ha. A lot." I said back.

"That's it! You are gonna get it now.. Watch it."

"I'm gonna get what? And, what do I have to watch?!" I said with plenty of sarcasm.

"Shut it. You know what I meant. Stop being smart."

"Why would I stop being smart? I don't wanna be stupid. 'Cause you know, I'd be like you then. And no one wants that.. Especially not me."

"Will you shut your mouth already?! No one freaking likes you. Get that straight!"

"No one? Really? Okay.. That's cool. Let's see what everyone else here has to say to that."


She started by asking Olivia, "Does Taylor really have any friends?"

Olivia got all fired up. "OF COURSE SHE DOES. SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND. STOP WITH ALL THE JEALOUSY OVER HER. I, and everyone else here, knows that she's a better person than you. Stop hating on her for that, please and thank you."

The look on Selena's face said that she was about to explode. Next, she turned to Cameron."So what's your take on her having any friends?"

"Obviously, she has friends. All of us, over here are her friends. And, she's not just my friend, but my girlfriend. Why don't you stop being so jealous of her 'cause she's not your friend?" He said.

She looked completely flustered. "I'M NOT JEALOUS OF THAT THING. I HATE HER GUTS. SHE'S A FREAK. I don't understand how she actually has any real friends.."

"If you hate me so much, WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?"

"Because I feel like being here!"

"Um, I don't believe you. But fine."

"We're leaving. Right Megan? Just watch your back.."

"Okay, good. Buh-bye."

They walked away. I felt like screaming. I kept my composure and didn't, which was rather hard.

Around 20 minutes later, we were all inside of the venue. We went our seperate ways. I sat alone by a table. While, Olivia went to talk to Jack. I had no idea where the others went.. It was lonesome. Nothing could take the lonely feeling away from here..


I sat next to Jack. It seemed to be no different than any other time I was with him.. I looked at him. He seemed to be 100% perfect to me. Ah, I was slowly falling harder and harder for him.

"Olivia, you're amazing," he said to me after about 5 minutes of silence.

"Uh, um.. Yeah. Thank you.." I managed. I know I sounded pretty stupid.

I'd never been quite so shy around him before.. He was smiling at me. About five more minutes passed and then, he kissed me, outta the blue.

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