Chapter Ten

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I sat, surrounded by many faces. I kept silent. Everyone else kept going on about Megan and Selena. I tried to keep those two from coming back into my head. I knew they were the ones that did this to me.. Well, my plan backfired as they were approaching..

"Are you alright, Taylor?" Megan asked me.

"Um.. Do I look alright? Why would you care anyway?"

"I'm sorry but I would never do this to you, no matter how horribly we may get along. You're still a person and I respect that. You have certain rights no one has the right to take advantage of.."

I played along with what she was saying. "Oh. So I have rights that no one can take advantage of and you respect me being a person? Oh really? Then how come you talk about me behind my back and spread rumors?"

Megan got mad at me for what I said and immediately got up and walked away. She was the biggest liar I had met. She was pathetic. Does she really think anyone is gonna actually believe her? She lies way too much for anyone to believe her.

I sat, trying to drown the world out. I tried paying as little attention to anything as possible. I took my iPod outta my pocket and began to blast my music as loud as possible. I might've looked like a strong brave girl who could take anything from the outside, but that was far from the truth. On the inside I was dying. I was miserable. I tried hard to look strong 'cause I couldn't take much more. I couldn't tell anyone cause they'd probably only think I'm a lonely girl filled with depression who hates everything and everyone, and with that thought in their heads they'd dessert me. If they did I'd finally have a breakdown. I couldn't tell anybody how I was feeling. I was the only one sitting.. Everyone else was standing and arguing. I began to emerge deeply in thought. The music helped all of my thoughts to come together & helped me think of things I hadn't been before. I was sitting on a couch. Anyone else near me was standing up. All I could hear was arguing. I tried losing myself in the music a little more. I couldn't care less about anything at that point.

Eventually, I fell asleep. When I did, I had a dream. I was sitting all alone in a dark room. I could hear everyone outside of the room arguing and eventually it came to a stop. When it did, I tried to escape the dark lonely room. I couldn't. The room was locked and there were no possible exits. I began screaming, but no one could hear me. I was stuck in the the little black room. I broke down, collapsing to my knees. From the impact of the fall, my hands and knees began to bleed. When it began, the room lightened up, it was now white with blood stains all over. I screamed even louder. I couldn't take it..

When I awoke from the dream, I expected no one to be there. I expected to be all alone, like in the dream. Instead, I found myself wrapped in Cameron's arms. I looked at him. He was just staring off. Two minutes passed by, Cameron looked at me.

"Hey there, beautiful." he said to me.

"Hey, Cameron.." I said.

"Are you alright?"

I didn't wanna tell him about my dreams and anything I'd been feeling. I didn't know how he'd react. It took a few minutes of deep thinking, but I got up the courage to tell him.

"Um.. I need to say this.. I'm not that happy, perky, strong girl everyone thinks I am. I'm miserable. I feel like I'm dying on the inside. And, before, when I fell asleep, I had this weird dream. I was in a dark room. I could hear everyone arguing in another room. When the arguing ended, I began screaming at the top of my lungs. No one could hear me. Eventually I fell, and from the impact my hands and knees began bleeding. The room was now white, covered in blood stains. I began to scream even louder. Then I woke up after that. Please don't think I'm crazy or anything like that.."

"Why would I think that? Just because you feel that way, it doesn't change what I think of you. I love you and I always will."

I looked down. "I love you, too. And, I just didn't want anyone to think I was crazy, especially not you.."

"I would never think that. And I'm sure no one else would either. You're amazing and anything but crazy. No one can deny that."

"Yes, yes someone can. Megan and Selena think I'm crazy and wouldn't agree with anything you just said."

"That's cause Megan and Selena are just jealous. Jealous because you're so beautiful and you get to go on tour with two bands they probably love, and then there's always me.."

"Ah, yes. Jealous because I'm going out with you.. That is always a possibility." I said laughing. "Or there is the fact that they're the fakest people I've ever met and they realize that I'm realer than they'll ever be. They hate me for that."

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