Chapter Thirty-Eight: Annika

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"Congratulations on getting your memories back."

"Thank you, Dr. Owens."

"How did it happen?"

"Silas and I got into a fight. There was a room upstairs that was always locked. I wanted to know what he was hiding. I rammed it in and saw the nursery. During my accident, I had a miscarriage, and when I saw the nursery, my memories came back."

"Did you know about the miscarriage?"

"No. Silas was trying to protect me from it. He didn't want to hurt me more then I was already hurting. I get it, and I'm not mad at him. I am sad that he had to go through that all alone." Jamie told me about to sleeping aids he would take because he couldn't sleep. My heart hurts thinking about him alone, devastated, in bed. "And then after having to deal with me on top of it."

"How did he manage with you?"

"He was wonderful." I smile at the stuff we did, the fun we had. "I got to fall in love with the love of my life all over again. Who else gets to say that."

"How did your memories reveal themselves to you."

"It was in rapid flashes. You know how dreams feel long, but they say they are only really 15 seconds?" He nods. "It's like that. Short burst and flashes that felt long but went by so fast, like a dream. Dream after dream after dream. But it was memories. I'm just lucky because my life, for the most part, has been a dream come true."

Silas, my dream come true, is in the lobby waiting for me when I get out. He is on his phone playing solitaire. "Hey, babe."

He pulls me into his lap, not caring what the other people in the lobby think. "How was it?" I love that smile. I love him so much.

I shrug. "Fine... I'll be honest therapy really isn't my thing, I don't want to come again."

He kisses my temple. "You don't have to. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after everything thing week."

"I want to close this chapter and start our next. This is just a story that I'll tell our kids one day." I pull him to his feet. I want to get out of here. I've had enough hospitals for a while. "Are you okay?"

"I have an amazing wife. I'm perfect."

"Trying to get brownie points are ya?" He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at me. "I love you."

"I love you too, babe. We gotta get home, Bianca and Jamie will be there soon."

When we get home, Jamie and Bianca are pulling up, perfect timing. "Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Bianca." She pulls me in for a hug on the driveway. She is gorgeous. I might have a little crush on her. Her skin is clear and creamy; it looks so soft. She has big brown eyes... good job, Jamie.

"I'm Annika," I wrap my arm around Silas, "this is my husband, Silas."

"It's nice to meet you, Bianca."

We lead the way in the house, Bianca looking around, taking it in. "You guys have a lovely home." Silas gives Jamie a wink and a thumbs up when she can't see.

Jamie goes upstairs to help Silas put in the new door because I broke the last one. We already fixed the frame. "How are you doing, Annika? Jamie told me everything about you; I feel like I already know you."

"I'm great. So you know about the accident?" She nods. "Yeah, well, I got my memories back this week. It's been a whirlwind. I'm lucky to have Silas."

"He is very handsome." Damn straight. Silas is a fucking God. "You, too, will have beautiful children." As long as I can keep it...

"So, how do you and Jamie meet exactly?" I say, changing the subject.

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