Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silas

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"Dr. Lawrence will see you in room two."

We wait in room two, hand in hand. "I'm nervous." She whispers under her breath.

"Don't be. I'll go see what's taking so long." I kiss the top of her head. "I'll be right back."
I wait outside the door until Dr. Lawrence turns the corner. "Can I have a minute of your time."

"Of course, Silas. How can I help you?"

"So, I haven't told her about the miscarriages..."

"Silas, you promised me if I didn't say anything that you would take care of it."

"She is in love with me again, doctor. I just don't want to hurt her. I don't want to sell this wind she has from under her wings." I sign. "That said, I want to tell her tonight. How do I approach it?"

"Just tell her the truth. Show her ultrasounds if you still have them. She may be mad or sad, but she has every right to be. I don't think you'll lose her. She will just be disappointed."

"Thanks for the advice, doc."

We go in, and she takes vitals. "How are you feel Annika."

"I feel great. I still don't remember anything, though."

"I saw that you canceled with Dr. Owens. If you get your memories back, call him. He will see you ASAP." Nik nods. "You are in perfect health, so no more restrictions."

"Thank doc." We both say.

"Have a good life Annika. I hope that if our path cross again, it's not in a room like this. Have a good one, you two."

"We are so going to universal this weekend."

"Whatever you want." I highly doubt she will be saying that after tonight...

"I'm driving home." She says with a smile.

"Do you remember how to drive a stick."

She shoves me. "Yes." And sticks her tongue out at me. "I'll come to pick you up at 5." I pull her in and just hold her for a minute. She smells like her perfume. It's a settle fruit and blossom smell. It smells like home. I'm selfish, and I want to cling to these moments with her before she hates me again. I kiss her forehead before sending her off. "I love you."

"And I you."

I am so fucked...

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