Chapter Fourteen: Annika

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Yesterday was a lot of fun.

We ate, laughed, hung out, and watched movies. I feel like we are actually friends now. It doesn't feel as forced as before. It feels organic. Like my heart and mind are catching up to my spirit, which seems to know, which was magnetized to him.

I genuinely like spending time with him. I crave him like I crave Twix bars. I want more of him. I want his attention. His laughter. His time. His heart.

Divorce crosses my mind every now and then. Only for the briefest of moments, though. I know that is not the answer here, at least not yet. I feel this line tied around my heart, connecting to his, keeping us tethered together.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I ask him as I cut up lemons to go in the water with the family dinner. They will all be here any minute.

"Not in the conventual sense of the word." He says as he carves the ham. "I don't believe someone is born just for you and that there is only one person you're meant to be with. In that case, why are we bi? Wouldn't I be straight or gay then?" Good point. I hadn't thought of that. "I don't believe that everything is predetermined. What would the point be then? I think that's kind of sad that people believe that there is only one person out there in the world that they are meant to be with." He is more profound then I gave him credit for, and I am only scratching the surface of it. "Even you and I weren't meant to be together. No higher being told me to be with you. I am responsible for my actions and my choices. I wanted you. I chose you. I choose you for the rest of my existence, whatever that might be. I found that you are someone I can't live without. And because of that, I believe one can become your soulmate. I think you became my soulmate and I you."

"I like that. I haven't ever put a lot of thought into it. I totally agree with everything you just said. I feel a connection to you that I can't explain, so I was curious what your thoughts were. It's like my spirit remembers you, and my body is trying to catch up."

"It will. I know it will. I am very confident that you will get your memories back."

"And if I don't?" I say. "What if I never remember?"

"Then, as you put it, let your spirit lead your body home. Let it guide you back to me." He says, not moving a muscle, just gazing into my eyes. "Come back to me." There is a pulling sound on the front door; it's locked, so it doesn't budge, a knock follows that. He walks to the door, still holding my line of sight. "I will get you to fall in love with me again. I did it once, and I'll do it again."

He is so sensitive, confident, and passionate. He really is the total package. He is hot as all get out. So sweet. Any fears that I didn't once love him are gone. That I wasn't happy with him are obliterated. Leaving him isn't right. I won't find what I'm looking for on my own.

"Annika. Bella, how are you?" His dad's family is from Italy, where his mom is from there... was. Bella means beautiful in Italian. His parents called me that my whole life. She had breast cancer young after Silas was born and made a full recovery. Unfortunately, she got it again, and that was her ultimate demise. They never had more kids. They always told me growing up that if they had had a girl, Bella would be in her name in some way. They didn't, so I was their Bella. Their beautiful girl.

"Enzo!" I run into his arms and can't help but be choked up. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Bella. It's alright." He rubs my back. "Don't feel like you have to, but you normally call me Dad."

"Okay... Dad. To answer your question, I'm good, all considering." His hand cups my face.

"Bella, you are a fighter. You're my favorite daughter. You got this."

"I'm your only daughter." He has a warm, inviting laugh. I'm glad I can be a daughter to him. His Bella. "Thanks, Enz... Dad."

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