Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Juliette POV:




I slowly peel open my eyes and immediately reach for the cup as my throat is so dry, but I end up knocking the cup over and the nurse spins around as she hears the loud clatter it makes. “I-I’m so-sor-rr-y” I struggle as my throat is still very raspy but she rushes to my bed and pours me a cup of water and gives it to me through a straw “You should rest, it’s not good for the two of you”

I look at her confused and she picks up on my confusion “two?” as she scurries out to get the doctor and arrives about ten minutes later arrives with him. He checks my vitals and jots things down on his note board and then turns to me

“Juliette, by your confusion according to nurse May here, I assume you need to be told something very important” I sit in anticipation to hear what he has to say. Is there something wrong with me? what if “Well Juliette, I am pleased to tell you that you are about 3 weeks pregnant. Congratulations and if you need anything just press this button here and nurse May will be right here. Also, you’ll be able to go home tomorrow as your vitals look good”

I’m what now?! Did he just say pregnant?! But… I have to tell Danté… wait, where is he? Then I remember what happened as the happenings of yesterday flash through my mind like a movie.

“Danté!” I make as to climb out of the bed but my legs feel numb as I crumble down to the floor as the tears roll down my face but the nurse and doctor rush over and place me back on the bed while I show how still put up a fight “Juliette! Please, calm down, this is not good for the baby. Think of the baby” at the doctors words I immediately just lay there on the bed, frozen with tears still streaming from my eyes. The nurse wipes them away as the doctor comes to the edge of the bed “Please, please just tell me where he is? Is he alive? He doesn’t even know about the baby!” I break down but the doctor puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder

“Danté is fine. Luckily it was just a shot to his left shoulder, so he should recover well, but we just had to remove the bullet so he is resting but we’ll take you to him once he is a bit more stable and can speak, which should be tomorrow at the latest” I look at the doctor and grab his hand squeezing it “thank you so much” he nods and leaves as the nurse puts more painkillers in the drip as the world goes black as I lay a protective hand over my still flat stomach and my dreams filled with pictures of Danté holding a little baby in his arms.


I wake up as I feel someone gently shaking me “Juliette…Juliette” I open my eyes as the nurse is standing there with breakfast consisting of eggs and toast with tea. “here, have some breakfast and then after I’ll take you to see Danté. He just woke up and has been asking for you continuously” I smile knowing that we both want to see each other again and I’m excited to see him and tell him the news! But how do I tell him?

I scoff down the eggs and toast savouring the taste of the wonderful food and finish the last of the tea when the nurse walks in “Well…. At least we know that you’ve got a healthy appetite, which means a healthy, strong baby” she smile brightly at me and automatically my hand flies to my stomach “There’s a baby in there” I laugh slightly as I feel a tear escape from my eye. The nurse bends down to wipe the stray tear and takes my tray “Yes, there is. And he or she is about to go meet their daddy” she says as she brings a well chair over to my bed

“Can’t I walk?” she gives me a look that reminds me of my mom when she would give that look that says ‘don’t challenge me’ I laugh, throw my hands up in mock surrender as she helps me into the wheelchair.

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