Chapter 11

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I was going to post tomorrow, but it's heritage day, and i could not wait to throw some DRAMA in the mix.... bwahahahahha!! ;) now get dis work!


Chapter  11:

Juliette POV:

Just when I was about to finish my shift I was dead on my feet and sat on a stool by the counter and rest my head on the counter as the diner was empty, all the chairs were on the tables already and we had just finished cleaning. I was about to dose off when I heard a little voice “Miss Hart?” I recognized that voice… I looked up and all about jumped off the stool, I kneeled on the floor and took her face in my hands “Oh, baby… what happened to you?” she just cried, put her small arms tightly around my neck “Did he do this?” she just nodded while sniffling. I lifted her up and carried her to the back when Caron saw me with Sarah in my arms “Oh, dear!” she looks from me to the child and back “Juliette?... what….?”

I just give a look which says I’ll explain again and put Sarah on the bed, wipe the blood from her lip and put some ice on her swollen eye. I inspect her further and notice she has hand marks that are almost turning a purple on her arms and a couple bruises on her leg. I remove the ice pack and lay Sarah down on a makeshift bed and within seconds, she’s asleep. I then walk to the kitchen and find Caron making coffee, she then turns to me and hands me a cup “Thanks” I sit down at the table and she follows.

 She waits patiently and when I’ve finally regained my thoughts I start telling her about everything, from the shelter to her drunken father and at the end she just looks at me “Juliette, you can’t go after her father alone and you know that child cannot stay there” I nod, knowing she’s right, I look at her with tears in my eyes and she takes my hand in hers “you could always adopt her, you have a stable case and we have proof of abuse.

 I can see you love this child as your own Juliette, and I’ll even help. She deserves a better home” I smile through the tears “will I be able to raise a child?” I look down at my hands and sigh “but I do love her oh so much” she lifts me into a hug “That’s why you have me” she lets me cry into her shoulder and when I finally got it out of my system, she holds my shoulders and looks at me “you’re tired, go home, take that baby of yours and have the rest of the day off tomorrow. Show her some happiness” I hug her tightly and she kisses my forehead before I go to fetch Sarah.

When I reach her she’s already awake and looks in a drowsy state I lift her in my arms and before we leave Caron gives me a box “thank you” she looks at Sarah “You only let her eat it when she’s eaten all her veggies ok?” she gives Caron a big smile “I’m Caron, but you can call me grandma” I feel tears sting my eyes as Sarah reaches out to Caron and hugs her tightly “Grandma” Sarah says in her little sweet voice and I mouth a ‘thank you’ to Caron before hugging her myself. Danté is rehearsing late tonight and I had left my car at home, so I decided to take a walk to clear my mind. When we reached the apartment I gave Sarah one of Dantés shirts to wear as pajamas and she was drowning in it. I just laughed while she looked up at me and smiled. After we ate dinner, I put Danté’s in the microwave, just incase he decided to visit and was hungry later, and Sarah and I sat on the couch and watched an animation movie, I turned to look at her “Sarah, honey…” she looked at me with question in her eyes.

“how would you feel if, say, I were to be your mommy?” she smiled and jumped on me with such vigor that she knocked us both over and I was now laying on the couch with Sarah squirming in my arms and kissing me all over my face “mommy, mommy, mommy” I laughed with her and smiled at my, yes my, baby, even though its not official, it feels like it to me and I will fight tooth and nail for this angel.

Once Sarah finally calmed down we returned to watching the movies but this time I was lying with Sarah in my arms as we cuddled but soon enough we were both emotionally and physically drained from the day that we were falling asleep but just before I closed my eyes I heard Sarah whisper “night mommy, I love you” I felt the tears roll down my cheeks and held tighter onto Sarah “Love you too, baby”.

Dante POV:

“okay guys, that’s enough for tonight, see ya’ll tomorrow” Leslie announced as we finished rehearsing our last song of the set. I wiped the sweat from my face, packed up and headed towards the car when Leslie came rushing out to me “Danté, hold up!” she came over waving three tags in her hand, she handed them to me “There we go, VIP tickets for Juliette, and two extras” I smiled at her and hugged her “thanks, see you tomorrow”.

While driving back to the apartment I looked at the time and saw that it was close to midnight and Jules would probably be asleep right now. I first put all my bags down in my apartment and then headed over to Jules’ place. We gave each other copy keys so that we could come and go into each others apartments without the hassle. When I opened the door my heart nearly skipped a beat at what I saw. Juliette and Sarah? Sarah had a purple eye and swollen lip and he could see on Juliettes face that she had been crying, what happened? Was she ok? He saw Sarah wiggle a bit and laughed at how cute she looked and when her big brown eyes went open she yawned and looked at him. He took careful steps towards her and smiled “Hi kiddo, remember me? Danté” she nodded and reached out to me. this kid was seriously cute. I took her and together we sat and ate cookies and drank milk while she told me everything from her favourite food to colour and when she started yawning again I took her to Juliettes room and put her on the bed before going back to get Juliette and put her on the bed next to Sarah.

I was just about to turn around and let Sarah and Juliette sleep when I heard  a voice “where you going?” I turned to see Sarah had followed me. she had a little pout and I couldn’t resist. I started taking off my clothes till I was in my boxers only “no where” I climbed into the bed, wrapped an arm around Juliette and the other around Sarah, but she clearly was not happy enough as she climbed on top of me and made herself comfortable on my chest. I chuckled as she fell asleep, wrapped an arm around her and couldn’t help but think of how this felt like a family to me.


soooo.... what ya'll think? its a bit of an 'oohhhh' and 'aahhh' chapter.

can i just say AGAIN..... I LLOOOVVVEEEE MISHA GABRIEL <3 his my husband in my second life..... and the way he moves... oh glory! georgeous man ! ANYWAY......

thanks for reading! +what do you thinks gna happen?????+ comment below!



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