Chapter 13

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Hello beautiful people! This chapter should be longer as I felt this flowed nicely, I liked it. cheesy but (hopefully) enjoyable? Anyway, enough of this babble, on to the next Chapter. Go forth and read (not multiply, heavens no....)




Chapter 13:

Danté POV:

“Danté!” Caron comes around the counter and envelopes me in a hug “How you been child?” she sees the daze I am in, turns to one of the waiters “coffee. Black” she outs an arm around my shoulder and heads to a booth “now, tell me why you seem so deep in thought”.

Many emotions cross her face as I tell her what happened and when I mention that see called Jules Mommy, she did not seem fazed, but when I told her that she had called me daddy, she looked a bit shocked and rubbed her chin as though deep in thought “oohh, now I understand” the waiter sets the cup of coffee in front of me, I thank him and take a sip before Caron continues. She sits back and looks me in the eye “how do you feel about it?”

I think about what she just asked me. The thoughts have been going through my head but I never verbally told them to anyone yet. “I don’t know actually, a part of me wanted to jump with joy as I would never think twice of having a family with Jules, but a part of me, a big part, froze as I’m not sure if I’m ready for this big responsibility and if I do decide to take this on, will Jules expect more of me? like marriage? I really don’t know” I hang my head low as my thoughts are clouded and are all jumbled up.

Caron lifts my head by my chin and looks me in the eye “before we get ahead of ourselves, let me tell you exactly why Sarah called her mommy” I sat and listened attentively to Caron and at the end of her story, my heart just grew with love for Jules and I was sure with what I had to do “….and that’s probably why she called you daddy, she longs for a family, to be loved” I smile and hug Caron suddenly across the table. I fidget with my hands and Caron notices this

“Dear, are you okay?” I look up “Seeing as you are basically Jules’ mom, I just wanted to ask you if….” Her eyes are smiling and she is grinning when I was done asking her, I was so nervous as this women in front of me clearly meant so much to Jules. She gets up and embraces me tightly while I feel her tears and she places a kiss on my forehead “Yes. I’m so happy, thank you” “Thank you Caron” we say our good byes and I was about to head out, but turn around as I suddenly remember “I was wondering if you wanted to come to our concert tonight, I want you to be there” she nodded and hugged him as if he was her own.

“And can I ask you another thing? Please make sure Jules and Sarah are there as I’m not sure if she will after this morning and- ” she chuckles and puts a reassuring  hand on his shoulder “I will, now go and freshen up for tonight, I’ll see you there.”

Juliette POV:

Knock, knock….. urrgh… “Juliette! Don’t make me break this door down child! Get your butt out of that bed this instant!” Caron? I slowly crawl out of bed as not to wake Sarah but fail as she opened her beautiful eyes “mommy?” she reaches her hands up to me and I pick her up and cradle her while her head rests on my shoulder.

 I open the door and like a fire cracker, Caron turns me around and we head to my bedroom “come, let’s get you dressed, the concert starts in about two hours. We don’t want to be late, do we? Danté won’t be too happy about that”

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