Chapter 28: Pain and Pleasure

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When I awoke, I found that my head felt like someone had repeatedly punched it while yelling useless at me, in other words, FUCK THIS HURTS! I groggily opened my eyes to see the ceiling above me, I was on a bed, oh no no don't tell me... I slowly sat up and looked over seeing golden hair on the other side of the bed.

Oh fuck, how am I going to explain this, please don't tell me we...I looked down at myself, I was completely topless, my shirt and boots were hastily thrown in a corner, I looked around the room, my heart only sunk further, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ruby and Neo were all strewn about, everyone was in various states of dress, Jaune, like me was shirtless but otherwise okay, Blake and Pyrrha seemed to have kept everything on while Ruby was wrapped in my hoodie, can never really tell with Neo, Yang was the only one under the sheets of the bed, so I could only guess what she was like under there, I staggered off of the bed, putting my shirt back on, I was about to make my way out of the room when I saw something shine from Neo, I knelt down and carefully looked, the Lens necklace hung around her neck, so 'that's' where that went, I walked out of the room and into the kitchen, I saw Emerald there, leaning against the counter with her hands on her head, I walked up next to her and grabbed a glass of water

"You too huh?" I said, she groaned as I sipped at my drink

"Ugh, don't, this is worse than overusing my Semblance." She said, I leant back on the counter

"Tell me about it." She looked at me confused before sighing, some of last nights memories started coming back now, I remember chasing Ruby around the room, screaming while brandishing my sword, the sound of footsteps pounded through my skull like a jackhammer, I turned to see Cinder, her hair completely messy, she looked to me with her eyes barely opened

"'t get drunk...with so many girls..." She said, despite the pain I smiled

"You were the one juggling fireballs, I thought Maidens used their power responsibly?" I said, I heard a groan and saw Noire rise from the sofa, unaware her shirt was missing

"Be quiet you lot...can't be bothered to...fucking deal with you right now..." She said holding her head, I heard a strange noise, I turned to see Cinder using her powers to create a pile of snow, she then proceeded to face plant into it, I groaned and downed the rest of my water, Qrow walked out

"You kids had quite the party huh?" He said, Cinder just gave him a middle finger, not removing her head from the snow she had made

"Are 'you' of all people sober?" I asked, getting myself another drink

"Wasn't going to be, then I saw how you kids were acting, Oz and Cinder were already long gone, I thought someone had to make sure you didn't burn the place down." I smiled, then remembered about the room full of my partially stripped friends and girlfriends, Qrow seemed to know what I was thinking

"Don't worry kid, the reasons you're all like 'that' is because when little miss mechanic over there got Penny drunk, Penny insisted you all play Strip Remnant:The Game, she barged into Yangs room, where her, Blake, Jaune and Pyrrha were already playing, everyone but Cinder, who had already passed out, Obsidian and Oscar, who were too busy being all over each other and of course myself, participated, from what I could hear, Yang wasn't doing so well and someone yelled, what was it? 'Who lived in a pineapple under the sea?' Something like that." Noire seemed to have realised what was going on and had taken a look at herself, the same went for Emerald, Noire screamed while throwing everything near her at me and Qrow, she finally stopped when she got her shirt back on, Emerald just kinda looked and saw she was still fully dressed 

"Huh, guess I'm better than I thought." She muttered, I heard sounds of movement coming from the room I had woken up in, my heart sank as I realised my critical error, I left Jaune in a room with a possibly naked Yang! Oh shit! And soon enough, there was an angry yell, the sound of Ember Celica being fired, and Jaune was launched out of the room at high speeds, I could see Yang from the doorway, holding up bedsheets to cover herself. A few minutes later and everyone was awake, mostly dressed and recovering from last night, I was sat down on the sofa with Ruby resting her head on my lap, I spoke to her

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