Chapter 6: Change Of Heart

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The final dream begun, however, this one was different. A strange looking vat filled to the brim with a dark yellow substance was in front of me, it looked similar to what the Fall Maiden was kept in underneath Beacon, without warning, a hand shot out, touching the glass, a small green glow outlined the person inside, bubbles began to rise from their mouth, trying to scream, I looked around and saw no way to open the container, I tried punching the glass but it was too hard, two bright red lines clearly made their way across the person, tracing around their entire body, the person clutched where their heart would be, before the bubbles stopped and the vat went dark

I bolted upright from my bed, drenched in sweat, I had to hold my head in my hands as I tried to comprehend what I just saw, what the fuck!? What.The.Fuck!? What was that supposed to be!? Strange lights, Killer lines? What does that even mean? I pushed it aside for now, my plans for the day were already set, it was Sunday so I didn't have any lessons, I've been spending most of my time in the city trying to find important locations, so far Juniors bar and the cafe where Blake and Sun will eventually talk were marked on a small map of the city I was making, next up was the docks. I left Half Rose in my locker today, I took my other sword with me just in case, before I left, I tried again to use my Semblance, focus Y/N focus! Imagine what it is you want to copy, imagine it becoming yours, now! I saw my Aura had once more appeared, it focused in front of me before exploding, sending me flying onto the floor, damn it! Again!? Every fucking time, it's either that or nothing at all.

The Bullheads engines slowly died as we landed, I thanked the pilot before heading out. Walking through the city I passed the noodle shop and the bakery, last time, I took a right from the bakery and ended up at a dead end, so this time I'll take a left! I turned the corner and knew that this trip was already more successful than the last as I read the golden letters of the shop across from me


I need to warn him about the White Fang! He might-no, he 'will' live this time! I thought as the chime from the door rang throughout the store, I decided to have a look around at the many books, there were a few that I had back in my dorm, a copy of 'Ninjas of love' which was tempting me to peek at it, and of course there was...

"The Man With Two Souls eh? That's been a popular one recently." I looked up from the shelves to see Tukson himself come out from behind the counter, he was a muscular man with a short beard and yellow eyes

" I looked up from the shelves to see Tukson himself come out from behind the counter, he was a muscular man with a short beard and yellow eyes

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"Yeah, a friend of mine reads it at school, she seems to enjoy it." I said walking up to the counter and placing the book on there

"Friend of Blake? Now there's a surprise, judging from your appearance, I would say your Y/N right?" My eyes widened, I get that this is could be the only book store in Vale based from what I've seen but did she have to spill about me as well? I nodded, I decided to throw caution to the wind 

"Tukson, I need you to listen closely." I said, his smiled vanished

"Go on." He said

"The White Fang know about your plans to run to Vacuo, they won't be here for a while but you should hurry anyway, I'd also suggest you run somewhere safer, like Menagerie." I could hear Tuksons breathing accelerate

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