Chapter 4: First Day

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My eye bolted open, I was standing in an alleyway, a person masked by darkness was curled up against a wall, I opened my mouth but could not find the strength to speak, I could see the persons face become soaked from their tears, they clutched their knees, as if trying to hide from the very world, I stretched out my arm, but then it all disappeared

A screech, one so loud that even Armin would've been jealous reverberated from next door, I clapped both hands over my ears, is that meant to be Rubys fucking whistle!? Sounds like the Nevermores death screech from yesterday! I'm up now so I guess there's a silver lining, I glanced at my Scroll, a small seven in the corner, I got up, and changed into my Beacon uniform, I took a look at myself in the mirror and couldn't help the shit-eating grin on my face, I wish the people back home could see me now, they'd be green with envy, especially my fellow weeb, Will. I went through my Scroll, finding the map that Professor Goodwitch had sent us yesterday, she had attached the schedule with it, I read through it and nearly laughed my head off


7:00 Recommended time to wake up

7:30-8:50 Breakfast at the cafeteria

10:00-11:15 Lesson

12:15-Lunch at the cafeteria

18:15-21:00 Dinner at the cafeteria

Lesson Schedule:

Monday: Grimm studies with Prof. Port

Tuesday: History with Dr. Oobleck

Wednesday: Science with Prof. Peach

Thursday: Combat training with Prof. Goodwitch

Friday: Weapons Maintenance + any scheduled field trips

Dear students, just because you only have roughly an hour each day for your lessons, do not take this as an excuse to goof off! please use it for homework or training!

Is this seriously our schedule? This is easy!  Then again Professor Port is meant to drag on with his tales, I put away my wacky schedule and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, once I got there, I saw that neither team RWBY nor JNPR had gotten up yet, Oh yeah, RWBY should be decorating their dorm by now and JNPR...I actually don't know why JNPR hasn't gotten up yet. Normally, breakfast for me consists of either cereal, a sandwich or something similar, not the entire Full English that I devoured, I chalked it up to being hungry from fighting the Nevermore, when I had finished, I went to put my tray over where a dirty stack was piling up, I placed mine on top, I turned to walk back when I bumped into someone, both of us falling to the floor, I stood back up and looked to see who I had knocked over, seeing two large, brown, fluffy ears

"Oh I am so sorry! Coco keeps telling me to watch where I'm going!" Oh, didn't expect to see Velvet so soon

"Eh, don't worry about it." I said smiling, leaning over I held out a hand, she beamed and took it

"My name is Velvet, are you one of the new students?" She asked, I nodded, hang on, while she's here I should warn her to avoid Cardin

"Yeah, I'm Y/N, acting support for team RWBY! I don't have my own team yet sadly." I could see her eyes widen slightly and her ears straighten a little, but she seemed to brush it off, I could her a certain dick coming in with his entourage

"Hey Velvet, heads up, see them over there?" I said, carefully pointing to CRDL, she followed my finger before raising an eyebrow

"I'd avoid them if I were you, there not exactly the most 'accepting' about Faunus." I could see her ears droop, a weak smile adorned her face

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