Chapter 16: Fist Versus Hammer

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Qrow and Winter were staring each other down in the middle of the courtyard, many other students had begun to gather around them, since the tournament had been delayed, tensions were high and any fight was sure to result in a crowd, in a sudden flash, Winter suddenly appeared directly in front of Qrow

(Qrow vs Winter)

I could barely keep up with their movements as Winter repeatedly tried to strike Qrows head, each time he simply moved out of the way, he gave a mock bow which Winter used to try an overhead strike, this was met by the sound of ringing metal as Qrow had used his sheathed blade to block hers, the blade extended with him spinning around and catching it in his left hand, Winter resumed a more refined position before they tapped the ends of their swords together, once they had done this, Qrow immediately went on the offensive by unleashing a barrage of strikes, Winter kept back-flipping in order to avoid them, Winter recovered and they began to trade blows at a blazing pace, is this the power of a fully trained Huntsman? I looked down to see the necklace from Raven glowing a faint red, footsteps come up behind me and I turned to see Ruby

"What's going on?" She asked, before Weiss said a word I answered

"Qrow..." I said in a flat voice, Ruby got really excited at this

"THAT IS MY UNCLE! KICK HER BUTT UNCLE QROW!" She yelled, Weiss began to cheer on her sister and I looked over to see Mercury panicking before running off, I turned back to the fight, the strikes now happened so quickly that by the time the sparks flew from one strike, they would already be in the middle of another, Winter managed to land a blow against Qrows face using the hilt of her sword, to which Qrow recovered with a crazed look in his eye, he jumped up with his sword over his head, Winter used a glyph and backed out of the way, because as Qrow struck where she was, a large crater formed, Winter landed next to a column, but she had no time to think as Qrow effortlessly cut it down to get to her, she confidently leapt over him trying to land a blow on his head which was soon deflected, Qrow tried to slash at her back only for her to jump up and land and the flat side of his weapon, Noire spoke to me

 "As fun as this is, it's time to step in." I smiled and turned to where they were

"OI, WINTER, QROW, KILL OR BANG EACH OTHER ALREADY!" While I'm not sure if Qrow heard me, Winter definitely had as she'd gone a light shade of pink, they started fighting even more viciously than before, Noire karate chopped my head

"Well done o' wise one, now they're fighting even harder." Noire said as Winter charged towards Qrow, taking out a separate slightly smaller blade out of the first and swinging them both at Qrow, their blades collided and they were sent flying through a piece of the courtyard, leaving a second crater, they quickly got up and swung at each other again, Winter managed to land a blow that sent Qrow flying back, digging his sword into the ground he managed to slow himself, just in time to see Winter use her Semblance to summon a small flock of white Nevermores and launch them at him, he braced himself as they began to swarm him, he swung wildly at a few before sending a shock-wave towards Winter, her concentration was disrupted long enough that her summons were banished, Winter prepared a large glyph behind her, ready to launch herself at him, Qrow hit a button on the handle of his weapon and a whirring noise could be heard as the blade segmented itself, growing slightly longer, the blade began to bend backwards as Winter took her position, I looked behind her to see the General angrily walking up behind her, Qrow saw this as well as he immediately sheathed his sword behind him, the crowd let out sounds of displeasure and Winter looked confused at him, he smiled before beckoning her with a finger, she let anger control her and launched at Qrow, yelling, her blade was inches from his neck

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