Chapter 5: Ears?

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This time it was the person who wore the white jacket,  they walked around me, not aware of my presence, they kept turning around, as if lost, suddenly, she turned to me, I could see the tear fall from their face

Groaning, I slowly sat up in my bed, I stretched and began to get changed. It's already been a few weeks since I came to this world, not to toot my own horn but I've gotten used to things around here pretty quickly, I can even navigate around Vale 'without' having to call for directions now! I visited the shops and resupplied on both Dust and ammunition, the only thing I still have little experience with is combat, we 'should've' had some lessons with Professor Goodwitch, but all combat lessons were canceled due to uh...unforeseen fire damage to the amphitheater, but it had finally been fixed today

I had met up with team CVFY through Velvet, they were really nice, when they learned I only had two outfits, Coco sprung to action, revealing some surprising tailoring skills, when she finished I had offered to pay, she had refused, saying 'The first time is always free cutie' lowering her shades giving me a wink

My new outfit was a blood red T-shirt, navy blue jeans and black boots, she was even kind enough to make some bracers for me, similar to Pyrrhas, however mine were on both arms, it also had one large Aura gauge for me, and three smaller ones for when I get my team, pulling out my Scroll in the middle of battle wasn't the most practical so this made it easier, my new brown belt came with a few pockets for Dust and other things

I walked into the now fixed Amphitheater, and sat down next to team RWBY, Ruby had finally started talking to me again, Yang leant forward and spoke to me

"Finally Y/N, what took you so long?" I smiled

"Eh, just trying to choose what Dust to bring with me." I said shrugging

"Remember during initiation?" She asked, I nodded

"You said that Weiss, Ruby and Jaune would be 'dropping' in right?" I nodded once more before she clapped her hands together with a cheesy grin on her face

"It was a 'pun'!" We all just gave her a deadpan look, it took her, two 'weeks' to realize? Professor Goodwitch got our attention 

"Welcome students to combat class, I apologize that there was a delay, we would've begun sooner if 'someone' hadn't set the whole Amphitheater on fire during a sparring match!" She said, her gaze nearly burnt a hole in my head 

"Now, as I'm sure you are all aware, the Vytal festival is just around the corner, during which, you will face off against the students of other academies. Like in the tournaments, todays match-up will be random, the two selected will face off on this stage until one students Aura falls into the red, now..." We sat on the edge of our seats, two holographic screens spun with our faces on them, I felt my heart stop as I saw who had been drawn

Y/N L/N (????) VS Pyrrha Nikos (JNPR)

I could hear Nora telling Pyrrha something along the lines of breaking my legs and Cardin laughing with his team, Pyrrha thankfully spoke

"Professor, doesn't this seem a little unfair, Y/N, doesn't have the experience I do." I pleaded that Professor Goodwitch listen to reason but fate was against me

"While I appreciate your concern Miss Nikos, in the tournament, you will not be able to pick your opponents, Mister L/N will have to face more experienced opponents regardless so theirs no use taking it easy on him now." I prepared myself for the ass kicking I was about to receive

"Besides, Mister L/N is the last person you should underestimate here Miss Nikos." I raised an eyebrow, what does she mean?...of course! I know her Semblance, and not being weighed down by the shield means I'm faster! I smiled a little bit before the two of us were sent down to the lockers for any supplies we needed to grab, opening mine up I retrieved a small blue magazine labeled 'Gravity' and loaded it into Half Rose, I then reached in to pull out some Dust crystals, I could only fit three of them on me at a time so I chose one fire, one ice and one lightning, I stepped out onto the stage were the Pyrrha was waiting, she smiled when she saw me

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