Chapter 21: Aftermath and Home

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sorry for the watermarked picture, it was the best I could find under 'empty hospital room'

"Child, open your eyes." I did as I was instructed to find myself standing on a familiar white plane, I turned to see the Younger Brother

"Why...Am I here?" The God Of Darkness waved his hand, a replay of what had just happened appeared, the fight, the arrow, the fall, by the end I just looked down, the God Of Light appeared

"Do not worry Child, you are not dead." I breathed a sigh of relief at these words but tensed at his next

"Brother, I believe it is time we stop hiding the truth from him." The God Of Light said, his Younger Brother seemed pleased at this

"Does that mean...?" The Older Brother spoke

"Yes, you may drop it." The Younger Brother proceeded to fist pump

"Fuck yeah! I was gettin' tired of doin' that shit already!" I just stared, uuuuuuuuhhhhh...what, sensing my confusion the Older Brother spoke

"Yes, we do the whole 'Holier Than Thou' thing just for appearances, we decided it'd be best if we stopped seeing as we're revealing what's actually going down." He said, sounding much more casual now, reeling from this shock I asked

"So what's...'actually going down'?" I asked

"Well, to put it simply..." The Older Brother started, but the Younger interrupted

"That whole thing was a bet! I lost dammit." He said, what... you mean everything I just went through, was for a FUCKING. BET!?  The elder spoke

"Yeaah, we were honest about the whole changing the world thing, but we decided to make it more interesting with a bet, if you survived long enough, my brother over there wins, if not I win." I was dumbfounded at this

"Wait, so you were against me Light?" I asked

"Yep, I didn't believe someone from outside our creation would be able to survive in there, Darkness however seemed adamant about 'you' being able to do it however." I nodded

"So, what happens now?" Light looked down

"Well, I decided to send you back to your own world." I began to panic slightly

"No! Please Don't! Let me stay!" but before I could continue everything went black

"'s waking up!" My eyes bolted open and were blinded by the bright lights of the strange room I was in, after a few seconds, my senses seemed to adjust, looking around I seemed to be in a Hospital bed, everything around me seemed to be some shade of white, I saw Will, sitting next to my bed, he jumped to question me

"Hey man, you feelin' okay?" He asked, I groggily sat up

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, looking to an I.V bag connected to my wrist via a syringe, I reached and yanked it out, my Aura kicked in and healed the small cut left behind

"How long have I been here?" I asked, Will looked worried  about what I had just done

"Around seven months." I gagged slightly, seven fucking months!? I then remembered about how I'd been shot with an arrow not too long ago, at least not too long for me, I nervously lifted up the hospital gown I had been changed into to see a scar left behind where the arrow had pierced me

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